Never put these 7 foods in the fridge or you will be making a big mistake

Due to the  heat  we are experiencing these days,  food also  spoils more quickly  . And so the first  solution  that comes to mind is to put them all in the fridge.  But is that really the  right thing  ? It will surprise you, but if you have the habit of keeping these  7 foods in the fridge  , you are doing something  wrong.  Let’s find out what they are. 

Watch out for these 7 foods in the fridge: Bread

Putting  food in the refrigerator  is a common act that we do in good faith  ,  believing that in this way it  will last longer  and will not spoil. However, the refrigerator is  not necessary , especially for some foods   , as there is a risk that our food  will spoil  faster than expected .

This is the case, for example, with  bread  . It seems like a good idea  to put it in the fridge if we  want to keep it  for several days  , but the reality is that it changes its  taste  and  texture  . In fact, storing it in the  fridge speeds up the  ripening of the bread  , which causes it  to dry out more quickly  and appear more “  rubbery  ”.

7 foods in the fridge

In addition, bread has the ability  to absorb the smells  of other foods stored in the refrigerator, which is why it can also  taste different  . However, if we really  can’t help but  keep bread in the fridge, we can take some  precautions  .

For example, it is wiser to decide to freeze  :  we cut our bread  into slices  and place them individually in  freezer bags.  Then   just  thaw it and reheat it in the oven  so it tastes like it was freshly baked.

Onions and garlic

Also keep an eye on  onions and garlic  in the fridge. Onions in particular should preferably  be stored  whole in a  cool, dry place , for example in the basement  or  pantry   . The  ideal temperature  for storing them is around  7-13°  and they do not like humidity  .  Therefore, putting  them in the fridge is not the best solution  .

The situation is different with  sliced ​​onions.  In this case, they risk  deteriorating more quickly  .  For this reason, it is advisable  to store them in the refrigerator, preferably in an  airtight container  , so that they  are exposed to the air as little as possible.  This will also prevent the  smell  of chopped onions from spreading in the fridge  .

What about  garlic  ? Its  bulbs  , like onions, prefer storage in a dry, cool and  well-ventilated  environment  , such as a  pantry  . Pay particular attention to  direct sunlight :  this is absolutely  not recommended  for  whole garlic bulbs .

Onion and Garlic

On the other hand, if we  need to store garlic cloves that have already been cut  , the  refrigerator is  the best option to  preserve their freshness  . However, as with  onions, it is recommended that you store garlic in an  airtight container  to  protect it  and prevent other foods  from absorbing its smell  .

We can store garlic cloves  in the refrigerator   for up to 2 weeks on average . However, you should keep in mind that the garlic taste  changes slightly in the refrigerator and  becomes more tender   .

Avoid These 7 Foods in the Fridge: Avocados and Potatoes

Can avocados be stored in the refrigerator   Yes, but it depends on the  level of maturity  at which  we keep it  . An  unripe avocado should preferably  be kept out of the refrigerator  until fully ripe  . Otherwise we would slow down its  maturation  , which would mean we  would have to wait a long time  before we  could consume it  .

A  ripe avocado,  on the other hand, can  be stored in the refrigerator if we want to wait a few days  before consuming it   . This means the  freshness  is retained for longer.

To  store it optimally in the refrigerator  , we recommend wrapping the avocado in a  napkin  or  a paper bag  . This will  absorb excess moisture  and prevent our  avocado  from ripening too quickly  .

Avocados in the fridge

The  refrigerator  is also suitable for an  avocado that has already been opened, which  you can keep in a cool place  after   sprinkling  the flesh with a little lemon  or  olive oil to prevent it from oxidizing  .

And the  potatoes  ? These are  vegetables that require a  different storage method  than other vegetables. In fact,  whole potatoes are best stored in a  dark, cool place  with  good ventilation  . In the  refrigerator , the starch in potatoes   can  turn into sugar more quickly  , changing the  taste  .

If   there is  no cool place to store them due to the heat, we can opt for the refrigerator  and be careful not   to leave the potatoes in the refrigerator for more than a week   .

Tomatoes and olive oil

Let’s move on to a food whose  preservation  many often debate:  tomatoes  . In general, storing tomatoes  in the refrigerator  is not recommended unless they have reached a  high level of ripeness  and we want to keep them  for a few more days  .

Why is the  refrigerator  not suitable for  tomatoes  ? Mainly for taste reasons  :  a  low temperature  can change the  texture  and  flavor  of the tomatoes, making them  less tasty and stringy  . To  keep  our tomatoes  in perfect condition , the ideal is  to store  them at room temperature and protect them from direct sunlight.


However, if the tomatoes  are really very ripe and we  need to keep them a little longer  , we can put them in  the refrigerator  . A little tip: Let the tomatoes you take out of the fridge  warm  to  room temperature  before eating  . This way the taste will be  better  .

What about  olive oil  ?  In this case, it is absolutely  not advisable to use the  refrigerator  : the olive oil should   be stored cool  and in a  dark place. In fact, the cold  of the refrigerator  can  make the oil thicker and cloudier or cause condensation  to form   inside the bottle, which  would affect the  quality  of our oil due to humidity.

In general,  olive oil should be stored at a temperature of  20-25°  in an  airtight container  and  protected from direct sunlight.