No scrubbing necessary, simply place the grill in a bag to make it look like new again.

Cleaning your stove can be a real challenge, especially if it is used frequently and has dirt stuck inside. Let’s see how to make it look new again.

Food debris and stuck-on grease can render the oven rack unusable.

Oven grill: why it gets dirty

The oven is a great ally to prepare our meals. Whether it is a static oven or a ventilated oven, the oven contains   internal racks that allow trays or containers with the food to be cooked to be placed on them. The oven racks (which can be several) can be positioned at different heights using a sliding system.

When cooking it is inevitable to get dirty, and just as the stove gets dirty, so does the oven rack. Cleaning this part of the device can be very complicated. In fact, chemicals sold for this purpose, which promise great things, sometimes fail to deliver on their promises.

Fortunately,   there is a very quick and completely natural way   to perfectly degrease your oven rack. Although this may seem unusual to you, it is actually so effective that it will surprise you.


How to clean it quickly

First you need   a very large bag   , like the one used to throw garbage. The bag must be able to hold the pan holder. Next, you will need a   dishwasher tablet   . If you don’t have it, don’t worry, you don’t have to buy it. All you have to do is replace the tablet with your regular laundry detergent.

Next, you need to have a container in which to place the tablet or detergent. Pour the hot water into the container, directly over the tablet, so that the contents dissolve well. Of course, the water should not be too hot, otherwise you risk puncturing the bag. If the tablet does not dissolve completely, you can speed up the process by using a fork.

You will need to add   3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda   to the mixture. This will create a very powerful combination that can remove even the most stubborn fat. The liquid must be poured into the bag. You must make sure that it is not too dense and that the bag does not have holes.


At this point, close the bag tightly so that the liquid   does not   accidentally leak out. Next, place the bag with the rack inside on a flat surface. The grill should sit in the bag for approximately two hours. If it is very dirty, extend the time v