Now that it’s hot, how do you clean awnings using this easy and inexpensive method?

Here’s the  easy and inexpensive way to clean awnings when it’s warm  . In fact, balcony awnings are more of a necessity than ever, especially with the arrival of summer and very sunny days  .  With these awnings you benefit from a shaded area in the house, but also serve to protect the interior from the sun’s rays  .

However, you must expect that blinds will get dirty quickly due to their position, which encourages the accumulation of dirt. But thanks to these natural tips, you can effectively and quickly unclog this balcony equipment.

What you need to know first

Before washing your awnings, consider the following tips:

  • To unroll the blinds, you must open the curtain completely by removing the hooks that are used to attach it to the guardrails  .
  • To carry out disassembly it is advisable to follow the manufacturing instructions.
  • Before washing with water, be sure to dust thoroughly with a broom or duster  so that the dust does not crust and harden.
  • Perform a wash with a long-handled broom.
  • Avoid bending over when washing  .

Use Marseille soap

When it comes to effective ingredients with  excellent cleaning properties, Marseille soap  is   at the top of the list. It is a tip that has been popular since the time of our grandmothers to perfume and carefully clean clothes.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Mix 30 ml of liquid soap with one liter of cold water
  2. Use a non-abrasive sponge and dip it into the mixture.
  3. Rub  the entire surface of the blind
  4. Focus on areas with a lot of dirt
  5. Rinse generously with a damp cloth
  6. Air dry completely
  7. Once the curtain is completely dry, roll it up

Now that it is warm, clean the awnings with rubber

Yes, it may seem unusual, but  the eraser can remove stubborn stains on the blind  . These spots are caused by dust buildup or even dirty rain.

To do this, you should  remove the damaged area like you did when deleting the note written in pencil. Then clean the curtain with castile soap  according to the procedure described above.

More tips

  1. You can  sprinkle cornstarch  , which has high absorbency, on the curtain  Then leave it on for an hour and then rinse well with water  .
  2. To get rid of pigeon droppings, you should  first rub with a damp cloth and then act on the stain with a cotton swab soaked in denatured alcohol  .


  • If possible, avoid contact with bleach  or  ammonia  , as these are aggressive components.
  • Do not use a steamer as  the heat could change the color and fabric of your curtain
  • Never machine wash this device
  • Never use abrasive sponges