Old and yellowed orchid, the ingredient to resurrect it in no time

Old and yellowed orchid: here is the antioxidant ingredient to resurrect it in no time. You will not believe your eyes.


Being a  tropical plant  accustomed to humid heat, the orchid does not like too much water, which causes the leaves and roots to rot. The orchid, like any other plant grown at home, has its own natural life cycle. The  causes  that lead to the yellowing of the leaves are different: over time the roots of the orchid no longer nourish the lower leaves, which tend to yellow and then fall permanently. Yellowed leaves  should never be removed or even cut: the risk of leaf diseases increases exponentially. In the event that the leaves dry out completely, they can be removed from the stem without causing damage.

Orchid with yellowed leaves: direct exposure should be avoided

Being a tropical plant, the orchid does not need too much  direct sunlight  , but prefers indirect sunlight. For this it would be good to place the orchid in shaded areas, perhaps under the thick foliage of trees. Direct sunlight and exposure to heat can damage the leaves of the annual perennial plant.

Old and yellowed orchid: here’s where to place it

Where to place the orchid  ? the good advice would be to place the plant near a window to the north during the summer and to the south during the winter. To avoid direct sunlight, it is advisable to add a curtain to the window.


Yellowed orchid at the end of its life: what temperature does it prefer?

The  preferred temperature  for the orchid is  between fifteen and 25 degrees Celsius. The plant undergoes an oxidative process if placed in environments with too high or too cold temperatures. Heat stress can accelerate plant death.

Yellowed orchid at the end of its life: avoid excess water

Too much water  accelerates the yellowing process of orchid leaves and can cause root rot. Heavy watering can prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients from the soil.

Dying Yellow Orchid: Here’s the Ingredient You Need to Use

To give a second life to your orchid and counteract the process of yellowing of the plant, it is good to use a spoonful of  turmeric powder  . It is a  powerful antioxidant  that helps  disinfect rotten roots. The powder obtained by grinding cultivars belonging to the  Zingiberaceae family  can be mixed with a little water and sprayed on the yellowed leaves.


The solution containing turmeric powder can also be sprayed directly on the roots. If the flowers fall, it is possible to fertilize  the plant  to promote its growth and development.