Orchid, never plant it in these pots: if you have them, be prepared to find them rotten

The orchid is one of the most beautiful plants that exist, in fact everyone has at least one at home. It is probably one of the most beloved plants of all time, because it manages to brighten rooms by creating a fantastic and suggestive atmosphere.

Unfortunately it is not simply a piece of furniture as many think  . Therefore, having an orchid inside the house does not mean simply placing it in any position and remembering it only if it needs to be watered.

The orchid, like many other seedlings, needs special care and attention at any time of the year.

The orchid, one of the most loved plants by all women in the world for that reason

What makes it particular is the shape and color of its elegant flowers. Thanks to these elements, it has gradually become famous throughout the world, so much so that it is the  most coveted plant on major occasions. The most famous of all is the phalaenopsis, it is called that because the shape of its petals resembles the wings of a butterfly.

Few people know it, but the plant is of tropical origin, so it needs some pure details that start from the choice of the pot which, strange as it may seem, is essential. A wrong vase can lead to death. Not all pots may be suitable for growing orchids, especially  considering the color and size. But not only.

How to make an orchid look good in any season

Choosing a suitable vase means guaranteeing a long life for the orchid. To do this, it may be useful to know that the ideal pot is a transparent one, since the roots can be  affected  by sunlight at any time of the day , as long as it is not direct. In fact, direct sunlight could kill the seedling, so you also need to pay attention to where you place it.

The substrate needs to be aerated, so in addition to the size of the pot being essential, it is also important that it has holes that allow air to pass through and dry out the roots.

What are the vases to exclude for the orchid if you want to keep it healthy?

Consequently, it seems obvious and obvious that terracotta pots or dark plastic pots, or even too small pots that suffocate the plant and lead to its death, are totally unsuitable. Small, dark pots without holes cause the plant to rot prematurely.

Caring for the orchid means watering it at the beginning of the day perhaps by dipping it directly into a container of water, so that the soil can absorb all the water it needs, without overdoing it. Generally, the minimum temperature it can survive is 16°, while the maximum is 24 degrees. In summer,  in the hottest areas of Italy,  it is especially difficult to place it at a point where the temperature is within the indicated range.

How to know if the orchid is well or suffering, the clues to pay attention to

The appropriate method for the orchid to survive and always live in perfect conditions is to orient it towards the north or south, perhaps resting on a window sill or on the balcony of the house, in an area where it receives the sun’s rays,  but  not directly. If the leaves turned yellow, it could probably be due to direct sunlight.

While if they fall off or take on a dark green color, these could indicate a lack of light. At this point it is important to remember that the orchid needs to have fairly moist soil, classic potting soil is not good, but fertilizing is needed for orchids. Among other things, few know that fertilization is essential and must be carried out from March to October,  at least twice a month.

When it fades, obviously we should not lose hope because it can be made to bloom again in a short time. To obtain this result, the branch must be cut above the second node, which would be exactly the thickening point of the branch itself rising from below. Once done, all that remains is to wait for the new flowering. If the seedling had aerial roots or roots coming out of the pot, then it would be indicating that it is fine and therefore nothing needs to be done. Moving the roots  would risk damaging them and therefore killing the plant.