Orchid, this error is dangerous: you risk throwing it away after 7 days

Phalaenopsis orchid   : This is the deadliest mistake you are likely to make. You risk throwing the plant away after 7 days.


One of the most beautiful winter flowers to keep at home is  the  phalaenopsis orchid  :  environmental conditions and cold winter temperatures are not always helpful for the lush growth of the plant. For this reason, it is very important to follow the good tips of expert nurserymen and  avoid mistakes  that can prove fatal for the good survival of the cultivar. What mistakes should you avoid making in the care and cultivation of this perennial herbaceous plant? Let’s find out.

Orchid: a perennial plant that gives a touch of elegance

The orchid is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the “  Orchidaceae  ” family, which helps to give a  touch of elegance and class  to your domestic environment. Like all floral plants, the orchid needs special care and attention. Many mistakes can prove fatal and compromise the beauty and health of the plant. Here are the mistakes not to make.

cure the orchid

Orchid: here are the most common mistakes

There are  common mistakes  that, if made, can lead to deterioration of the perennial herb.

  • Bad plastic pot

One of the most common mistakes is transferring the orchid to a  plastic pot  . It is good to opt for a transparent pot where the orchid roots become stronger and healthier. The transparent pot will allow you to monitor the condition of the plant’s roots.

  • Little humidity

For it to survive,  humidity  is essential for the lush growth of the orchid. Keeping the perennial plant where the air is dry may cause it to die. The humidity level should not be lower than sixty percentage points: the bathroom and the kitchen are the two best and most humid places to keep the orchid.

  • Direct sunlight

Another common mistake is keeping the orchid in  full sun  . The orchid is a tropical plant that likes to be in the shade and not in direct contact with the sun’s rays, which can damage and dry out the bright green leaves. Even orchid buds, once damaged by the sun’s rays, no longer grow. The good advice from nurserymen is to place the orchid in the shade where the sunlight comes indirectly.

  • Unsuitable fertilizer

Another common mistake is fertilizing the plant with the  wrong fertilizer  . The perennial herb must be fertilized with specific products that have a higher amount of nitrogen than K and phosphorus. The correct chemical balance is achieved by following the  formula of 30, 10,  10, or 10 parts phosphorus, ten parts potassium, and thirty parts nitrogen. If the supply of nutrients is unbalanced, it is easy for the tropical plant to undergo a degenerative process. Here are the  most common mistakes  you should avoid when caring for and growing an orchid at home.