Orchid, this mistake destroys your plant: no more lush and abundant flowers

Orchids are plants that are commonly found in our homes today  . Indeed, with their colors they brighten up the environment in which they are placed. In nature there are around 25,000 species and each needs certain characteristics. But let’s start by saying that to have healthy orchids you need to follow certain factors for their maintenance.

Among these we certainly have  the temperature, the position and the light that they must receive  . The ideal temperature at which orchids should stay is around 20°C and it is important to place it in a place where it does not experience sudden temperature changes, such as near the radiator or near an open window.


Then another aspect is light. Orchids should never receive direct sunlight, this must be filtered, otherwise the plant could die. Orchids often have roots that are not in the ground but are so-called aerial roots  . Realized that someone was making the mistake of cutting them down, causing the plant to die.

Orchid: Never cut the aerial roots

In fact, the aerial roots, those that come out of the pot, must absolutely not be cut unless they are rotten and we understand this because we pull them out without using scissors  . These roots taken out of the pot have adapted to living like this, that is to say exposed to the air, and do not cause any discomfort. When the aerial roots of the orchid are healthy, it indicates that they are placed in a humid place in the right place.

As we have said, aerial roots should never be cut and they are not roots that do not find a place in the pot. In fact, this condition of the orchid does not indicate that the plant needs to be repotted  . However, always check the aerial root tips of your orchid which should be green in color to indicate that it is healthy.

aerial roots of the orchid

When, on the contrary, you notice that the aerial roots are not green, this means that the root is drying out and therefore there is a method to resolve this problem before it is too late  . What needs to be done is very simple and will keep the aerial roots alive and will not tend to dry out.

Simply take a bowl of water and immerse the inactive aerial root in it. The root will tend to provide moisture and water to the orchid. In addition, this method will also make the room more humid and therefore promote the growth of the plant. You will immediately notice that it will change from gray to green.

Orchid - aerial roots in a bowl of water

However, to understand when your orchid needs water, don’t rely on aerial roots  . In fact, you have to look closely at the roots that are in the pot, if they are green it means that the plant does not need a lot of water and that’s fine. Otherwise, you will have to repair it.

Indeed, the aerial roots are often not green but turn gray so you should not trust them too much  . In any case you can continue the bowl method until the root has absorbed all the water, you can also check by color. All you have to do is try it with your orchid and its aerial roots.