Pans with encrustations, forget about detergents: 1 ingredient is enough | They will be like new

Do you have aluminum pans with black patina inlays? No problem, cleaning them is very simple and you can do it with some ingredients you find at home.

Aluminum pans are excellent and are the best for cooking since with them it is almost impossible for what you are cooking to burn  . They are increasingly found in kitchens since they achieve homogeneous cooking, but the only defect is that over time they become

embedded frying pan

they blacken.

This is because the material from which they are made, being very light and resistant to high temperatures, oxidizes very easily over time. That’s why it tends to turn black. That black actually tends to protect the metal from corrosion.

However, it becomes not only an aesthetic defect but also unhygienic. Therefore, you must go and clean them but very carefully. It is actually very easy to clean these pans and there are several remedies to polish pans that have turned black.

You can say goodbye to the chemicals you buy at the supermarket because you can make it with natural ingredients you find at home. They are the so-called grandmother’s remedies that always surpass chemical mixtures and are also more sustainable for the environment.

Here’s how to clean scaled aluminum pans.

Aluminum pans are allies in the kitchen since they are easy to handle and very resistant. However, they tend to rust and form a black patina  . However, there is no problem with this because it is very easy to remove it.

The most effective ingredient is undoubtedly baking soda  , which actually has descaling properties. Simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bowl and add water little by little until you get a creamy mixture.

sodium bicarbonate

Once obtained, you must take a sponge and rub the mixture on the surface you want to clean. When you get the desired result, rinse with warm water.

Other remedies to clean aluminum pans that have turned black

With this remedy the pots will shine again as if they were new. However, there are also other alternatives, here are some:

  • Salt and lemon  : This combination is great for cleaning pans. Simply wet the pan, then add a little salt and use the lemon as if it were a sponge cake. When you see that the pot is clean you can rinse. It is good to use this method at least once a month to always have clean pans.
  • Vinegar  : This ingredient is known to produce a lot of shine. It is necessary to rub the affected area with the sponge moistened with vinegar and then rinse. If necessary, the operation can be repeated.
  • Marseille soap   : as with vinegar, just take a sponge wet with some soap flakes, rub and then rinse.
  • Milk  : Pour a little into the pan and let it almost boil. Then let it cool and rub to remove the black, then rinse.

Clean aluminum pans

Aluminum surfaces are always very delicate to clean as they immediately tend to scratch, in fact you have to be very careful. Here’s what you can clean them with and what you shouldn’t use at all.

clean aluminum pans

For aluminum pans, it is also very important to never wash them in the dishwasher and never use sponges that are too rough like steel ones because you risk damaging the surface of the pan. In fact, it is better to use soft cloths and clean with linear and not circular movements.