Perfumes the house and eliminates all odors: only 3 sheets of this piece

Its medicinal properties are then linked to bay leaves. Nowadays, in addition to their culinary contribution, they are used in phytotherapy. This article brings together a virtuous point of view on this topic: perfuming the house.
Unpleasant odors can be present in your home for many reasons. Fortunately, it is not necessary to use a chemical-based air freshener. To eliminate Enjoying a pleasant aroma, 3 bay leaves are enough.

Why does my house smell bad?
Garbage and waste: If garbage and waste containers are not regulated, they can have a bad smell.
Pets: Pets are full of odors, so they have trouble killing your soil.
Mold: If there is a moisture or water leak problem in your home, it can encourage the growth of mold and mildew, which gives off a slight odor.
Rotten food: If food that has been left in the refrigerator or dispensed at low speed can be used and has a bad smell.
Tobacco: If you smoke at home, you will smell tobacco on the tobacco, wood, and walls.
Household chemicals: Some products may emit a strong odor and will fade with use.
How to perfume the house with 3 leaves of light?
A quicker and easier way to release some degree of aroma into your home is to use chemicals to burn bay leaves. To do this, place 3 bay leaves in a clay container and then burn it. What time did you smoke if you spread the house full of smoke? Please note that it is not necessary to burn more than 3 mists worldwide.

Read also: Add to coffee: be careful to remove bitterness and aromatic aroma.

Bay leaves in a wooden container.
Bay leaves have other benefits as well.
While spicy bay leaves can spread a pleasant aroma throughout the house, they can also calm you and attract abundance and positivity. In fact, I have not had spiritual benefits for long. Here’s how to take advantage of it:

The only thing you need is to relax and relieve stress.
If you choose to use bay leaves in the preparation of various dishes, you can also use them in the form of an infusion to enjoy a tea with a slightly spicy sauce.

with bay leaf
In fact, this infusion has a toning and anti-stress action that can be used for many years. So, if you suffer from anxiety and have a worried mind, do not hesitate to consume it once or twice a day.

If you are a yoga lover, you can also benefit from its rich and complementary effect. However, you can do your first meditation or training session after practicing Yoga.

These are the rituals of the moon and the new moon.
If you are used to this lunar ritual, the luminous leaves can be used for multiple purposes. In fact, they attract good energies, especially those linked to abundance. If you want to celebrate the new moon, you can make your wishes come true.

To use this scope, write down a piece of paper that you need to write on. You can also add a wallet.

Otherwise, you can also use the bulb to protect yourself from negativity during the lunar ritual. To do this, don’t forget to use some mist to purify your home or simply use an oil mist tea to clean it.

Pull your body and your home with sale and reception
Rituals are practiced to attract luck, love or love, in addition to bay leaves you can use salt. This seasoning can also be used to produce energetic energy.

Read also: How can you use bay leaves to wash the floor?

You can use it, spread it over the dirty marinade in any room of the house, to clean it internally. Hello, at this time you can take a bath with bay leaves and earth. Mist and salt wash in harmony to purify and tone the body.

Keep in mind that if you have benefited from all the aromas contained in this aroma, your spiritual contribution depends on your state of life.