Plant fresh organic garlic all year round at no extra cost

Get fresh, organic garlic all year round. Learn how to plant it and save money!

Garlic is a food widely used in various culinary cultures. In addition, because of its many health benefits, it is used in a variety of medicines and herbal remedies. If you want to know how to plant garlic, it’s very easy.

With these tips, you can take advantage of all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that food has to offer. Not to mention the delicious dishes you can prepare without spending too much money.

Growing this plant at home can still be a big advantage, as you can guarantee a pesticide-free and entirely organic product. And what’s more! You can plant in small spaces, even in small apartments with little sunlight.

Buy a large vase
The first step in planting garlic is to choose the containers in which the vegetable will grow. Remember that each garlic clove must be planted separately. For the plant to grow freely, the pot needs to be at least 30 centimetres deep.

You can even start planting in a smaller container, but after a few days you’ll need to transplant the bulb to a larger one.

Choose a good location
Like many plants, garlic also loves the sun. Place pots in areas of your home where the sun shines most of the day. Avoid shadows, as it likes direct light, and preferably in an airy environment. This could be a window or porch, for example.

The plant needs more morning sun, i.e. early morning. You can therefore place the vase in the window for a few minutes each day, then move it.

Where to find the seed?
To get the best plant, you also need a good seed. Opt for the teeth of fresh, large heads of garlic. The bigger and healthier the clove, the better the garlic.

Yes, you plant the garlic clove in the same soil. If you prefer, you can let the garlic germinate first, then place it on the ground. This is a good idea, as it gives the planting a greater guarantee of success.

How do I grow garlic this way? It’s simple: buy a head and leave it in your kitchen, near the sun. You can even put it in a glass of water. Hydroponics encourages garlic growth. In a few days, green leaves will sprout between the teeth. They look like chives. If it’s in water, the bulb roots will grow too.

Now it’s time to land. Simply dig a hole about five centimetres deep and plug the bulb completely with fresh soil.

Good planting
Soil will also make a big difference. Preference should be given to pre-fertilized soil, which you can find in garden centers or some supermarkets.

It should be moist during planting. If you’re doing this with a garlic clove without shoots, remember that the garlic clove should be placed in an upright position with the thinner tip facing upwards. Reinstall the soil around it, remembering that the tip must be exposed so that it sprouts.

Water in moderation
Except when it comes to hydroponics, garlic doesn’t need much water. To avoid soaking your plant, water every 10 days or when you notice that the soil is very dry. In summer, or if the plant receives sunlight every day, water one day, one day not.

Can grow
Note that after a while, a green stalk will appear and develop. For your garlic to grow properly, it’s necessary to prune this stem every time it exceeds 10 cm. Many people fail to do this and then complain that the plant has died.

Although your garlic is not yet ready to harvest, take advantage of this pruning to use the leaves in your salad, as they are very tasty.

Remember that the appearance of any other plant in your pot should be a warning sign. Remove it immediately to avoid damaging the health of the planted bulb.

When the plant’s oldest leaves start to dry out and turn yellow, your garlic can already be harvested. It is necessary to pull the plant so that the head of garlic leaves the whole ground.

For the plant to be ready for consumption, the period between planting and ripening can last up to three months.

How to plant garlic in a pet bottle

As well as helping to keep even more junk food out of nature, reusing the pet bottle is an economical decision, as it’s excellent for growing garlic at home.

All you need is a large bottle of water, 5 liters, some soil, a stylus and a few garlic cloves.

Here’s how to do it, step by step, plus the result:

How to sprout garlic in water

You can sprout garlic directly in water, without having to put it on the ground.

To do this, simply place the base of a few garlic cloves, still with the bark, in a glass with half a centimetre of water and change the water every day for a week.

After seven days, you’ll have rooted shoots, ready to land.

Simple, isn’t it? And you can put them in a decorative vase or in a bib.

How long does it take for garlic to take root?

To take root and be available for planting, a week is enough. However, to harvest your leaves – similar to chives, but with a more pronounced flavor – it takes 20 days.

For a new head of garlic to be born, you’ll have to wait a little longer, taking around three months. But it’s worth the wait, don’t you agree?

Useful tips on how to plant garlic

Garlic is a very labour-saving plant. It doesn’t need much care to succeed. An important tip is to use a pot with holes so that excess water has enough ooze. So you avoid bulb drowning.

If you soak the plant, no problem. Just change the soil in the vase with a new, drier one. Or don’t water for a long time. Garlic is quite hardy and eventually recovers quickly.

Every three months, when you have a new head of garlic, remove a tooth and replant it on new soil. So continue the cycle and save on this ingredient!