Pouring oil from a can of tuna down the sink is a bad idea: here’s why

The classic canned tuna in oil is very often used in our dishes, whether as a garnish for a salad, to make a delicious sandwich or as an accompaniment to a cold dish. Especially because it is quick and easy to prepare. But where is oil usually dumped? In the kitchen sink, right? Sometimes even in the bathrooms. It is a reflex that almost all of us have and that in itself seems very logical.

In addition to being a bad idea: you don’t realize it, but this action can significantly damage the environment and cause unexpected problems at home. Find out why it is absolutely necessary to change this bad habit.

Why should we avoid throwing this oil down the sink?

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Surely it will seem normal to you to throw away this oil that you do not consume. Except, like cooking oils, it is not recyclable and therefore pollutes the environment. But it doesn’t stop there: once poured down the sink, it can also cause blockages in the pipes. This causes unpleasant odors and stagnation. And you should avoid using equally polluting and harmful chemicals to clean the sink. So, to avoid all these inconveniences, it is better to get used to not pouring this oil into the sink or toilet.

But how to get rid of it? The best solution is to pour the oil into a jar or bottle, as if it were frying oil. Store it in a cool place before sending it to a special collection point for used edible oils.

Canned tuna oil: an omega 3 concentrate


But in fact, why systematically think about throwing away this oil? If you don’t like waste, you should know that you can consume it safely. This substance is rich in Omega 3 and has a positive effect on health. Canned tuna oil can therefore be used in many ways in the kitchen: in particular, to season fish dishes, to fry squid, to prepare fish soup… It is even possible to pour it directly on the tuna to obtain a delicious cream. to spread on canapés as an aperitif.

Note     : When purchasing canned tuna, opt for a good quality cold-pressed oil.

How to properly preserve cans of tuna?

Canned foods have a long shelf life    . To keep them in optimal conditions you must keep them in cool, dry places and not exposed to sunlight. Additionally, it is best to store them in a closet or pantry in a shady place, away from direct sunlight. a protected and well-closed place, to keep them away from any heat source that could quickly damage them.

In addition, it is better to put the older cans in the front row to consume them first and leave the new ones purchased at the bottom because they have a longer shelf life. Of course, it is always better to check the expiration date of food before consuming it. In some cases, some canned foods can be stored for up to two years after preparation.

It is not necessary to refrigerate the closed can of tuna. However, it is highly recommended to place leftover tuna in an airtight food-safe container after opening and store it in the refrigerator for a day or two. If the jar is glass, you can leave the tuna in its container and close it tightly.