Pruning the maple, the symbolic tree of autumn: useful advice

Often, when we think of a breathtaking tree , we imagine it in a lush riot of verdant leaves . However, it is very limiting to exclusively compare this color with the beauty and splendor that branches and expanses of healthy and strong trees are able to give to our eyes.

In fact, if it is true that some of the most beautiful and fascinating sights are the foliage that nature offers us in autumn , some of the most beautiful trees are able to give a variety of colors and shades when they are in full life cycle. It’s impossible not to mention maple , learning how to take care of it.

Let’s find out what the secrets are for pruning maple to perfection

as, branches, remove, bloom, trees, autumnal
Maple branch from Pixabay, OrizzontEnergia site

With its intensely colored foliage , the maple offers a breathtaking visual spectacle, so much so that its leaf has become the symbol of a very famous national flag. However, to keep your hair healthy and in full beauty, it is essential to protect and manage it with care, especially when it comes to pruning .

Pruning is fundamental aspect to guarantee strength and health to a plant. And for the maple it is even more important, to preserve the vitality of its very particular foliage 

Its main purpose is to lighten the foliage, allowing all vegetation to enjoy uniform lighting. 

Every year, the maple produces new branches that expand and push the vegetation away from the central trunk. With pruning , we encourage the growth of new branches and keep the size under control. Furthermore, pruning helps contain suckers , i.e. unproductive vegetative branches.

But when should you prune a maple? Choosing the right time for pruning is crucial. It is best to do it during the period of vegetative rest , between November and February. 

However, it is better to avoid pruning in excessively cold weather conditions to avoid frost damage .

To carry out effective maple pruning, you need to follow some precise steps. First, a reference point on the crown that corresponds to the central trunk and the point of attachment of the branches to the trunk must be identified .

It is also important to avoid cutting the branches flush with the trunk , leaving a margin of at least 3 cm if pruning is drastic for pathological reasons.

The shears must be well disinfected when we cut at the forks of the branches. The thickness of the remaining branch must be at least 1/3 of the diameter of the one being eliminated.

If we want to limit the volume of the foliage we prune only the oldest branches , leaving the newer ones intact.

tree, pruning, leaves, dried, autumnal
Romantic walk among the maples from Pixabay, OrizzontEnergia website

The branches that are now dry and old must be removed completely . In this way the hair will be lightened, making it more airy and breathing better.

With these tips, the majesty and health of the maple will be preserved, thus continuing to leave speechless all those who admire it.  However, if your available space is smaller, don’t despair: even a bonsai maple can provide great satisfaction and a breathtaking visual effect.