Pumpkin seeds: Don’t waste them, you can use them in 1000 ways!

Pumpkin seeds: don’t waste them! Reuse them in this way:

The fall season has practically begun and  the pumpkins  are taking center stage.

It is clear that autumn is their season and therefore it is practically impossible to do without their taste and color.

However, if you like to recycle, you know that  nothing should go to waste  and this concept applies to pumpkin too.

When you want to cut a pumpkin, you always wonder  what to do with its seeds .

Although this question is certainly asked by many people, unfortunately only a few know the correct answer.

In fact , wasting pumpkin seeds is  really wrong , because these seeds contain so many properties that should not be wasted.

For example,  pumpkin seeds have a very high concentration of magnesium , which is very useful for giving the body the minerals it needs.

If you want to find out what you  can do with pumpkin seeds and the best way to reuse them, you  just have to read on.

Semi di zucca: scopri come puoi riutilizzarli! Don’t talk to me, it’s great!

Riciclare is important and the posto in cui si trovano molti oggetti e molti ingredientsi riciclabili è secure the tua cucina. And the  zucca , quindi, is also riciclated and sold and  is semi-precious .

Riciclare i semi, dopo aver letto this page, sarà facilissimo e inoltre scoprirai tutti i principi che thisi semi possiedono.

To come together,  the biscuits are so commestibili and good for the first time to mangiarli bisogna necessary tostarli . Questo procedimento richiede and po’ di attention ma il risultato a vale letteralmente la pena.

Riuscire in this lavoro non è particolarmente difficile:  bisogna solo preserve i semi  dopo aver pulito correttamente the zucca. Chiaramente prima di conservarli,  i semi vanno lavati per bene  in modo tale da eliminare i filamenti che possono essere rimasti attaccati.

Dopodichè bisogna  transfer i semi in a ciotola content mezzo litro di aqua insieme a 4 cucchiai di sale . Lascia i semi in aqua salata  per una night intera  in modo da salarli per bene. La mattina successiva  scola i semi e lasciali nel tuo scolapasta per non meno di una ventina di minuti , quindi il tempo necessario per eliminare tutta l’acqua in eccesso.

Then  place the result on a tea towel and let it rest for 1 day . The next day you can  roast the seeds in a pan and cook for about an hour . In addition, you can also  roast them in the oven by placing  them  in the oven for the same time but at a temperature of 140 degrees  .

What can pumpkin seeds be useful for?

As mentioned above,  pumpkin seeds contain great properties that can be very good for the body. In addition to  magnesium ,  they contain  zinc  and  omega-3 fatty acids . In addition, they have  B vitamins , perfect for counteracting hair loss.

It is very easy to eat these roasted seeds several times a day and enjoy their benefits. In fact, you can enjoy them as an aperitif, as a snack to combat hunger, you can eat them as a snack or after a meal.