Put 4 slices of tomatoes in a vase: 5 days later you won’t believe your eyes

In a vase we put 4 tomato slices. What happens? Wait 5 days to surprise you. Who doesn’t love tomatoes? It is impossible not to have this natural ingredient at home, red in color, round and with excellent flavor. Versatile and strongly reflecting Italian traditions, many people have thought about growing the plant in the garden independently. Professional gardeners suggest placing 4 slices of tomatoes in a vase and waiting 5 days. What happens?

4 slices of tomato inside the jar: what do we get?

Taking care of your garden and the environment is very important, even when experimenting with new techniques. Without a doubt, what we like most is being able to get something,   with just a small gesture,   saving on the family budget.

Expert nurserymen  explain in this regard how after a few days something incredible can emerge from a few slices of tomato in a vase. It is an indispensable and versatile fruit in the kitchen, the main ingredient in many traditional Italian dishes and more. So how to eat green and totally save money?

Tomato slices

The   4 slices   are placed on the ground leaving a certain distance between them. Once placed, cover them with a thin layer of soil. And what is happening? At first nothing. But by waiting 5 days you will be able to see the first results, then after   10 days the tomato plant   will start to grow. A real magic, because in this case the tomato seeds will not be needed but rather the slices of the red fruit themselves to create other seedlings.

Care and advice for tomato plants.

Obviously, for previously planted tomato seeds to begin to germinate, it is   important to wet the soil. This should never be dry but, at the same time, full of water. Prefer a warm/hot temperature, avoiding putting the plant in contact with the current or the wind.

tomato plant

In short, you will only need a pot with soil and   4 slices of ripe tomatoes. Once placed in the ground, you will only have to wait to see 4 seedlings that will soon bear fruit.