Put a fork in the lock before going to sleep: it’s very important

Not everyone knows that it is very important to put a fork inside the lock. This is what you should do before going to sleep.

We all take a bite of the   food   we eat, we use   cutlery   whenever possible and if you want to follow etiquette, there is different cutlery for each dish, whether it is a first course, fish, dessert or fruit.

Initially, these cutlery were not as we know them today and their use began to spread from the   Stone Age   but it was only thanks to the   Romans   that we became accustomed to using them as we know them.

Fork: that is why it is used in house locks

Although they were created in ancient times, as they are presented today, they did not appear until the   16th century   when fine cutlery made its appearance in the most important courts.

The first cutlery that was invented was the   knife,   due to its importance in cutting meat and other hard foods, then the   fork   and spoon were invented and then all those for other dishes.

Fork - that's why it fits in the lock

In   Italy,   macaroni was initially not eaten with   a fork,   and that is why the Neapolitan lazars tended to eat spaghetti with their hands and that is why they were given the nickname   “eating macaroni”   .

Nowadays it is impossible to think of eating anything without the help of cutlery, except if it is street food like a panzerotto or a slice of focaccia or a sandwich that does not require the use of these utensils.


But not everyone knows that these   cutlery   are also used for other uses than those we know and especially the   fork   is extremely essential to use before going to sleep.

Many of our homes have   doors   that do not have a modern anti-theft system and you can opt for an economical, simple and effective solution to prevent thieves from entering your home.

You have to take a   steel fork   and cut it in half, making sure that you have the part with the tip and then its body. At the top of the   fork   , we will bend the tips that we will insert into our lock.

Fork - that's why it fits in the lock

Later, together with the body part of the   fork,   we will insert it into one of the empty bands of the head of our cutlery and in this way we will have created a barrier that will prevent the entry of thieves.

Obviously, cutting and bending a   fork   freehand is not easy, so it is always better to seek help or use tools that help us create that natural anti-theft.

Once this is done, we can safely go to bed and have a good night without worrying about thieves entering the house as we install this DIY burglar alarm system.

However, as effective as it is, it must be said that it is still a domestic method and therefore it is always better to keep belongings, especially valuable ones, in a place that is difficult for criminals to reach, if they arrived. to visit us