Rub some aloe vera on your face and see what happens 15 minutes later

Aloe vera is known worldwide for its medicinal properties, and it is an active ingredient in many cosmetic products. Why, then, rely on commercial products when we can use the natural product directly?

Through the method we describe below you can protect the skin on your face, giving it a radiant and toned appearance.

Follow the following instructions carefully:

Wash the aloe vera leaf with plenty of water.
Tap the leaf to soften it
Cut it in half
Remove the thorny edges using a knife
Remove the gel found inside the leaf by pouring it into a container
Spread it all over your face, using fingers and massaging it in lightly
Leave on for at least 15 to 20 minutes
Wash your face with plenty of water. Do not use soaps or other cosmetic products
Aloe vera will remove all residue from the chemicals we use every day for our beauty.Aloe vera is known worldwide for its medicinal properties, and is an active ingredient in many cosmetic products. Why, then, rely on commercial products when we can use the natural product directly?

Through the method we describe below you can protect the skin on your face, giving it a radiant and toned appearance.

Follow the following instructions carefully:

Wash the aloe vera leaf with plenty of water.
Tap the leaf to soften it
Cut it in half
Remove the thorny edges using a knife
Remove the gel found inside the leaf by pouring it into a container
Spread it all over your face, using fingers and massaging it in lightly
Leave on for at least 15 to 20 minutes
Wash your face with plenty of water. Do not use soaps or other cosmetic products
Aloe vera will remove all residues of the chemicals we use every day for our beauty.