Shiny dishes, more than pills: just a spoon in the dishwasher | You save a lot of money


The dishwasher is one of the appliances present in all Italian homes, or almost. You can’t do without the dishwasher, once you try it it becomes essential, indispensable because it solves the problem of a thousand dishes to wash at lunch or dinner. 

Like all other appliances, the dishwasher also requires care and cleaning . There are products indicated for the care of the dishwasher, as well as those indicated for the hygiene of dishes, cutlery and pots.

To wash the dishes we use a detergent in capsules, powder, or miracle tablets, that not only clean and sanitize, but also They perfume any dish. When you suddenly find yourself without it, you have no idea what to do. There is a solution and it is not to dedicate yourself to washing dishes by hand , but to prepare homemade detergent.

Dishwasher, how to sanitize dishes with homemade and ecological detergents

The dishes can also be can be washed in the dishwasher using natural detergents that sanitize in the same way, but are also ecological. You can prepare a single multi-purpose detergent, which you can use both in the washing machine and to wash dishes in just a few minutes.

Eco-friendly detergents from our own production are reliable and do not require who knows what ingredients or free time . One of the many, the most mentioned, also considered the best, requires the use of lemon: it is a refined version of the classic dish detergent.

Preparing half a liter of detergent with lemon has never been so easy; this is what is needed

To prepare half a liter of dishwasher detergent with lemon use 8 lemons, 800 ml of water, 300 grams of salt and 200 ml of vinegar. Boil the lemons until they soften, check the degree of cooking with a potato, prick the potato with a fork to check when it is cooked and therefore when The lemons are ready to be taken out of the water.

They are good when they are soft . At this point, they are cut into small pieces, the seeds are removed and then they are blended until obtaining a homogeneous pulp without lumps. If this is not the case, strain the mixture through a large mesh strainer and then pour it into the 800 ml of water. Slowly pour in all the other ingredients, bring the mixture to a boil and mix with a wooden spoon until you reach the quantity of half a liter. The detergent that comes out can be used immediately or it can be saved for use over the next few months. There is no deadline.

Washing machine tablets, this is what you need for preparation

Then there are those who prefer to use tablets for the washing machine , in this case there are no problems because you can also make homemade tablets using baking soda. Mix 300 grams of baking soda, demineralized water , 12 tablespoons of liquid Marseille soap and 20 drops of lemon or orange essential oil to perfume the dishwasher.< /span>

Then pour all the ingredients together into a bowl and mix. You have to be careful not to add the water, at least not all at once, because you have to add it little by little as you use to mix all the ingredients. At the end, the mixture should be poured into the ice cube mold , or any other mold of your choice. Then, it is left to dry for an hour, when the tablets are dry they will detach themselves from the mold and they can also be used in this case, immediately, or saved and used over time, when you want or when you need them.

Other alternative soaps for the dishwasher

Another emergency detergent, for dishwashers, is prepared with dish detergent. Mix a teaspoon of dish detergent, a teaspoon of salt, and a teaspoon of baking soda. Alternatively, a glass of baking soda and half a glass of liquid Marseille soap are fine . Mix the two ingredients, pour the mixture directly into the dishwasher and that’s it.

You should always remember that dish soap should never be used in the dishwasher, , pure, because it generates a lot of foam, which causes it to run. the risk of finding the kitchen flooded with foam. If you don’t have anything available and you necessarily have to wash the dishes in the dishwasher, you can only use dish soap in very small quantities , i.e. a teaspoon maximum and then program the longest cycle. This allows you to clean the entire dishwasher and the dishes inside, completely eliminating the foam.