The clothes on the radiator are dried to avoid humidity.

The bad weather and humidity of winter force us to change our habits when it comes to   drying clothes.

To speed up the process, they are   dried on the radiator   , but this solution still causes some problems.

Among these we can mention the bad odors that are felt when clothes are full of moisture. So let’s see together   how to properly dry clothes on the radiator to avoid odors!

Air passage

The   passage of air   is a very important condition to allow clothes to dry without having bad odors.

For this reason, it is advisable to place them in a   room where you can keep windows and balconies open   without the wind also invading other areas of the house.

Choosing where to dry your clothes is the first thing you should think about, unless you only have a heater in specific areas of the house.

not all together

Unfortunately, the clothes on the radiator are usually piled up: nothing could be further from the truth!

First of all, it is advisable   to put them on the radiator only when they are damp   and as soon as you take them out of the washing machine.

However, if you can’t find a more suitable alternative, it is a good idea   to add a few at a time   and spread them well before placing them on the radiator. In fact, if you can   equip yourself with some crutches, you’ll avoid ironing them too!

So putting a mountain of clothes on a radiator not only won’t dry them, but it will create so much humidity that   it will undoubtedly create bad odors.

Also use the hair dryer.

With reference to what was said above, the use of a clothesline could be a functional solution to evenly distribute the amount of clothes to dry.

You can put some of your clothes, perhaps smaller items like underwear or cotton shirts, on the stove, while clothes with heavier fabrics are put in the dryer, well spaced from each   other   …

Spinning   , then as the ones on the radiator dry, take them out and put some in the dryer.

This   will speed up drying   and ensure you don’t run the risk of bad odors!

salt trick

As you well know,   humidity is the first enemy of winter   because it is directly responsible for the smell of clothes.

To reduce this when drying clothes at home and on the radiator, you can, of course, use a dehumidifier, but not everyone has one.

Therefore, we will have to   return to an old grandmother’s trick   , that of salt! Use it by filling a basin or a large enough bowl with salt and placing it at the foot of the radiator.

You can even leave it there fixed, but check from time to time that it has not melted, in which case you will have to change it.

Washing tips

Finally, let’s take a look at some   valid washing tips   so that you always have clothes that smell good.

During winter you have to pay attention to some factors, here we leave you the most important ones:

  • Centrifuge   : fundamental factor, when you can, increase the speed to dry as much water as possible. In fact, the more you remove, the greater the chance that it will not form moisture and have bad odors.
  • Measure the detergent well   : if there is too much, the excess will remain trapped between the fibers of the fabrics, leaving them with a bad smell, especially after slow drying and subject to humidity. If, on the other hand, you use little, you will not be able to degrease the clothes well.
  • Use a natural fabric softener:   it has a lighter composition than industrial fabric softeners. One of the best solutions is to mix   150 grams of citric acid in 1 liter of water   and add   10 drops of essential oil   .
  • Never leave clothes in the drum   : a very common bad habit. At the end of the wash, the clothes must be removed immediately and spread out, otherwise it will smell like stagnant water.


Always check the washing labels so you can wash your clothes in the best way possible, especially during winter.