The most effective tips to eliminate the smell of pee

How to  eliminate   the  smell   of  urine   as quickly as possible? Whether it’s the smell of   cat   or  dog   urine   on  a   carpet  , bed or   couch  , or a   child or an adult   who has had a problem,   urine smells especially bad.  …

How to   eliminate   the  smell   of  urine   as quickly as possible? Whether it’s the smell of   cat   or   dog   urine  on   a   carpet  , bed or   couch  , or a   child or an adult   who has had a problem,   urine smells especially bad.   Discover   the   top 3 tips to remove   urine   smell   from fabric.

The 3 best tips to eliminate the smell of urine

1 – Potted odor absorber

Place the  absorbent container   near the source of the bad odor, remove the lid and let it sit.

The smell will dissipate.

The odor absorber is an ecological product that   works by evaporation.
It is effective for 4-6 weeks.


Clean the carpet

The first thing before removing the odor is to deep clean the carpet.
Because on a poorly cleaned carpet the cat or dog, attracted by the smell, will return.

To clean a carpet, follow the detailed advice in the article:

Carpet cleaning:

2 – Baking soda  

When the   carpet   is clean and dry, sprinkle it with baking soda.

Add the baking soda by hand.

Leave it on for at least 3 hours and then dust or vacuum.

3 – Water/baking soda/lemon juice/essential oil

Sprinkle a mixture of hot water with a tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 3 drops of lemon essential oil.

This solution will also have the advantage of acting as a disinfectant.

No need to rinse.