The simple trick to removing bad damp odors from clothes

The simple trick to removing bad damp odors from clothes

Have you ever experienced that frustrating situation where, after carefully washing your clothes and hanging them on a drying rack, you discovered that they gave off an unpleasant damp smell? Don’t worry, because we have the solution to this annoying problem. Ann Russell, a renowned cleaning expert and author of the book “How to Clean Everything,” shares with us her clever folding method that will keep your clothes from smelling .

How to use the dryer to remove damp odors from your clothes?

Although drying clothes on a clothes rack is economical and environmentally friendly, it can sometimes cause damp odors to appear. According to Ann Russell , who has over 2 million followers on TikTok, it’s all in how you load your drying rack. To prevent your clothes from taking on that unpleasant smell, follow these simple steps.

The Art of Folding and Spacing

When hanging your clothes on the drying rack, be sure to fold them properly and space them properly. A common mistake is hanging laundry that is too thick or stacking clothes on top of each other, which hinders air circulation and encourages the development of damp odors.

Ann Russell illustrates this point using a damp towel as an example:  “Take this towel, it was wet last night, and it’s still slightly damp where it touches a thick wool sweater. »

For information

Heavier clothes, such as towels and sweaters, require more space between them on the drying rack to ensure optimal air circulation. This tip is essential to allow humidity to evaporate quickly and thus avoid lingering damp odors.

Limit Drying Time

To prevent your clothes from sitting on the drying rack for too long, Ann Russell recommends not letting them dry for more than 24 hours. This precaution effectively prevents the formation of mold and unwanted odors.

Additionally, to speed up the drying process, use a fan to circulate cool air around your hanging clothes. This approach not only reduces drying time, but also ensures even air distribution, eliminating any lingering damp odors.

So, try these tips and say goodbye to damp smells on your freshly laundered clothes! From now on, your laundry will smell good!