The trick to remove stains from the wall without removing the paint

It can happen that stains of any kind appear on the walls of the house, especially if we have children at home. It doesn’t take much to color the walls of your home, but luckily there is a solution for everything.

Below we suggest the most effective solutions to remove stains of any kind while avoiding damage to the paint and requiring repainting.

  1. Make-up with water and bicarbonate
    Put some water and baking soda in a small container and mix well until you get a creamy consistency.

Rub the mixture into the wall stain, then wipe with a clean cloth until the stain is completely removed.

  1. Toothpaste and toothbrush
    Put some toothpaste on a toothbrush when you want to brush your teeth.

Rub the stain until it completely disappears. To rinse, wipe with a very clean cloth.

  1. Soap and water
    For stains on plastic and washable paint, you can use warm water and liquid soap. Pour directly onto the stain and rub in with a soft sponge.

Rinse thoroughly with a clean cloth until all residue is removed.