The Ultimate Cure for Mold on Walls: Getting Rid of It Forever

It can happen that ugly black spots  form on the walls of the house, which are nothing more than  mold spots  caused by excess humidity. At first glance, although unsightly, they may not seem like a big deal, but removing them is very important.

Mold is associated with numerous risks for our health, respiratory but not only. Inhaling mold spores means exposing our body to the risk of respiratory illnesses, especially in the presence of other conditions.

Usually you try to act immediately by applying paint, but that may not be enough. If the mold is not removed before repainting, it will soon reappear and become visible again.

1. Remove Mold with the Talcum Powder Method

Talc is a faithful ally against humidity. It is generally used to absorb moisture from shoes and prevent bad odors. The same principle applies to walls.

Sprinkle baking soda on the walls, rub it with a clean cloth to make it penetrate. Repeat the process several times until all traces of moisture are removed.

2. Remove the mold with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is also effective against mold on walls, although it is better suited to smaller spots.

Dip a cloth in hydrogen peroxide, then apply it to the mold stains for 15 seconds and finally scrub well until it is completely removed.

3. Method with vinegar water and alcohol

To adopt a method that is also suitable for colored paints, you must combine these three ingredients.

Mix 3 equal parts water, white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol and apply the solution directly to the stain.

Now that you know how  to get rid of mold stains on walls  , use one of the tips described above before repainting, but remember to let the wall dry thoroughly before painting.