This method will keep the oven clean for over a month: don’t spend any money

The oven tends to get dirty very often. Here is a practical and easy way to clean it in a really effective and inexpensive way.

We all have at least one oven in the kitchen. It is a very common appliance that can be used to cook various foods and prepare delicious recipes for you and your whole family.

There are a large number of similar devices on the market, each with its own specific characteristics, variable sizes and cooking programs suitable for different purposes.

You don’t have to be a master chef to prepare many recipes in the oven. It has many different properties depending on what food is being cooked or heated. You can choose the temperature, the cooking time, the type of cooking and many other aspects in a practical and truly intuitive way.

However, in this article we do not want to show all the opportunities that this device offers to anyone who wants to try their hand at cooking. Instead, we would like to inform our readers about the simple and effective method that can be put into practice to clean the inside of the oven and eliminate any leftover dirt.

Are you curious about what commonly used ingredients you need for this purpose? Sit back and continue reading until the next paragraphs!

Effective method to thoroughly clean the oven

The oven tends to get dirty much more often than other appliances. The main reasons lie in the “splatters” that occur during cooking. There are many ways to remove grease from the oven. Below we present you a very simple solution with which you can have shining glass for several weeks.

Cleaning the oven

It is certainly not pleasant – both from an aesthetic and hygienic point of view – if the inside of the oven is dirty and the glass with it is contaminated and soaked with oil, grease and other food residues.

The best ovens have various automatic cleaning systems. These functions allow you to remove the strongest dirt from the walls and glass of the oven after each use.

But not all ovens are equipped with this very practical function. In addition, it is always advisable to carry out an exceptional cleaning  everymonth, which will become more intensive even if the internal automatic cleaning system is present.

The advice we would like to give you therefore applies not only to those who have an oven without an automatic washing function, but to everyone. Here you will find everything you need to know and which products are best for cleaning your oven!

The trick to always have a clean oven!

Remnants of dirt after each baking tend to accumulate, especially on the oven glass. A really ingenious trick to make this element shine again and remove all impurities is to open the oven and apply baking soda to the glass scatter.

Baking soda

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to heat some water in a kettle. When the water is hot, pour some onto the inside glass of the oven so that it “reacts” with the baking soda. This element has incredible cleaning power.

You now have to crumple up a piece of aluminum foil and use it to spread the baking soda as much as possible on the oven glass. After letting the product work, all you have to do is take a sponge and remove everything. You will notice how all the dirt has come off.

To give the glass a touch more shine and brilliance, you can finish cleaning the oven with a cloth soaked in vinegar .

It is also important to ensure that any residue of the ingredients you used for cleaning has been carefully removed  before using the Put the oven back into operation.

These leftovers can in fact change the taste of different foods during subsequent cooking . Another very important aspect that should not be underestimated.

We’ve introduced you to a really clever trick with which you can get rid of all that dirt in just a few simple steps . So you no longer have to buy expensive products in the supermarket!