Tricks that will turn your bathroom into an effortless oasis of purity

If you thought that to have a  perfectly clean bathroom  you had to sweat a lot and use countless different cleaning products, you were very wrong. We know that between work, kids, and other daily activities, having time and energy to clean is increasingly difficult.

In this article we propose simple tricks that allow us  to turn the bathroom into an oasis of cleanliness and purity  , cleaning all the elements in this important area of ​​our home.

The bathroom is undoubtedly the place in the house most prone to the accumulation of germs, microbes and bacteria, as well as the formation of mold and the accumulation of lime, all elements that put our health at risk.

Clean the tiles

They can be difficult to clean, especially between grout lines, which tend to collect more mold, dirt, and more. However, simply mix equal parts water and vinegar, spray it on the tile and grout, and scrub with a clean sponge.

Finally, rinse with plenty of water and ensure good ventilation to allow the surface to dry.

Bathroom cleaning

To clean the terrible yellowish and black stains that appear on the surface of the toilet, mix 150 ml of white vinegar with 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Pour the solution down the toilet and wait for the effervescent reaction to finish. After about 15 minutes, scrub well with the toilet brush and flush.

clean the sink

Soap and lime residue are the most common on the surface of the sink. Fortunately, it is possible to remove them quickly and without resorting to chemicals.

Mix some hydrogen peroxide with half a tablespoon of baking soda and apply the solution to the surface of the sink. Scrub well with a fiber cloth or sponge, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Clean the faucets

Cleaning faucets and making them shine again without leaving streaks or stains is difficult, but not impossible.

Pour the juice of 5 lemons into a container, and wipe it over the metal of the faucets using a cotton ball. The results will leave you speechless. Finally, wipe with a clean cloth to remove all residue.

Clean the shower curtains.

Moisture and mold stains are the most common on shower curtains, but soap residue can also accumulate on them, which over time acquires an annoying yellowish color.

Also in this case the combination of vinegar and baking soda is the most effective. Pour them into a spray bottle, then apply it to the curtains and let it sit for 15 minutes. Finally, scrub well with a brush and rinse with plenty of water.

Put these simple  bathroom cleaning tricks into practice  at least three times a week and you will see how it will always be impeccable and shiny.