Vigorous and very healthy leaves, do this with your orchid and you will be the envy of the whole neighborhood

The orchid has become a very fashionable plant in our homes. Let’s see how to take care of its leaves. 

vigorous and healthy leaves

A plant of tropical origin, the orchid is not always able to grow well without knowing the right tips.

Orchid – a fashionable plant

More and more often, the orchid is the favorite gift to give repeatedly. So our homes are populated with these exotic and beautiful plants which, however,  we are often unable to take care of  . Orchids, although they do not require a lot of water, do need some precautions to grow healthy and healthy. Their state of health can be known, in particular, through  the appearance of the  orchid leaves which must be shiny, a beautiful bright green and fleshy.


How to have healthy and vigorous leaves

The leaves of the orchid, to be healthy and vigorous, must be cleaned with a certain periodicity. Indeed, as on all surfaces,  thick layers of dust could also form on its leaves  . If the dust were to remain on the orchid leaf for a long time, it could lead to the formation of diseases, even those that are not visible to the naked eye but can even attract lice. The most common orchid pest remains the mealybug. Diseases and pests could cause the plant to die quickly, without apparent cause. To quickly and effectively clean the leaves of your orchid, there is a simple method: use  wet wipes  , those used to change the diapers of newborns. Take care to buy them with as few chemicals as possible, including perfume. Disinfectant wipes used to clean bathroom areas, for example, are not recommended because not only are they too scented but they could be too rich in chemical agents.

Healthy orchids

With the use of wipes, not only does the dust on the leaves disappear but they  immediately appear brighter  . Alternatively, you can use a solution consisting of water, a few drops of lemon and a little moisturizing oil, such as almond oil. This solution should be passed over the leaves using a cloth. To be healthy, the leaves must be dusted and cleaned  top and bottom,  at least once every two weeks. In addition to cleaning, another important tip for ensuring that the leaves are plentiful, green and fleshy is that they  receive plenty of light  for most of the day. We are not necessarily talking about direct but indirect light, preferably hidden by a curtain. Contrary to what one might believe, orchids get most of their light from the leaves and not the roots. Be careful, though. Direct sun, especially summer sun, can cause leaves to turn yellow. The optimal temperature, in fact, is between 18 and 29 degrees.