Washing machine, add 1 spoon: you save a lot on your electricity bill

Savings will be guaranteed with this product: put a spoonful of it in the washing machine, sanitize your clothes and save your bill.

There is a very consolidated method to get the most out of our washing machine. The advantage of using this product is twofold: your clothes will be ultra hygienic and above all it will allow you to save significantly on your end-of-month bill.

We find ourselves in a complicated historical period from an economic point of view. End of month bills increase by more than 50% , and therefore many secrets are coming to light and techniques aimed at saving. We need to start changing our habits a little and some small daily gestures: only then can we move forward.

Reduce costs and consumption of washing machines

The washing machine is an essential appliance: giving up its use is almost impossible. It makes our lives easier by washing large quantities of clothes that would be a lot of work to wash by hand and achieving the same results. We can’t do without it , so it’s good to know how to continue using it normally and save money at the same time.

Washing machine

First of all, it is good to know that the washing machine consumes much more electricity when it uses hot water to wash. For this device, heating the water requires greater energy expenditure. By starting a wash at low temperatures you can save significantly. The lower the temperature, the more you will save.

The disadvantage of cold washes is that the clothes may not remove stains perfectly. The solution is in this product , one tablespoon is enough and the results will be exceptional.

Put a tablespoon in the washing machine.

This product will allow you to always start washing cold and obtain impeccable results  . If cold washing does not give the same results as hot washing, this will no longer be the case with this product. In fact, it works perfectly even at low temperatures, and your pocketbook will thank you! Sodium percarbonate comes to the rescue.

Sodium percarbonate is an environmentally friendly substance that comes in the form of granules. Introducing the appropriate amount into the washing machine will activate its strong sanitizing action with water. In fact, sodium percarbonate emits active oxygen when it comes into contact with water.

sodium percarbonate

This substance is readily available. Its most important feature is that the whitening action is also activated in contact with cold water. Therefore, the sanitizing action is activated interchangeably with cold water and hot water.

It is estimated that the annual savings, if only cold washing machines are operated, can be significant . Sodium percarbonate will be your greatest ally when it comes to dealing with bills at the end of the month.