The time has come to show off our much- loved scarves after keeping them in the wardrobe during the warm months.

When we take them, however, we notice that they have white fluff that makes them look old and worn .

But did you know that it is possible to remove them with some home tricks ? Well yes, let’s see together how to do it!

Yellow-green sponge

The first remedy we propose is to use a yellow-green sponge , the one commonly used for washing dishes.  

Then spread the scarves on a horizontal surface, then stretch them well and wipe the abrasive side with the sponge . Obviously, remember to proceed very delicately so as not to detach further wool threads and ruin your scarf.

Furthermore, the sponge can also be used in the washing machine to prevent lint problems.

In this case, you will need to insert a rough sponge into the drum  together with the items containing lint and start a delicate wash cycle. 

Pumice stone

Another very effective trick involves the use of pumice stone,  usually used to smooth rough skin on the feet. In reality, its light abrasive action is also able to eliminate lint from woolen items.

Then gently rub the pumice stone on your scarves , always taking care to be careful so as not to damage the fibers . The pumice stone will be able to break the electrostatic bond and “attract” all the lint quickly and easily!

Plus, you can also use it   to clean oven racks!

NB  We remind you to avoid this remedy on wool, cotton or other delicate fabrics because you could risk ruining them.

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Scotch tape

It may seem like a rather strange trick to you , yet it seems to be very effective in case of fluff and lint on your scarves. We’re talking about scotch!

All you need to do is cut a strip of scotch tape or insulating tape to the necessary length and then place the sticky side on the part of the scarf covered in lint .

Then, rub the surface of the tape to make it adhere completely and proceed with a single quick tear , following the direction of the fabric weave.

NB  Be careful not to damage the fabric of your scarves when you try this trick and avoid doing it on delicate fabrics.

Dryer sheet

If you have a dryer at home, then you can also take advantage of the power of the sheets you place inside it . Although these are used to better absorb water, in reality they are also able to remove any lint that has formed since they eliminate the electrostatic effect.

All you need to do is rub a dryer sheet on your scarf, paying particular attention to the points where the lint is present.

Freezer trick

Finally, let’s see one last trick that can come to your rescue in case of lint on scarves: the freezer trick!

Therefore, start by folding the scarf well , then place it  in a plastic bag  and place it in the freezer for 24 hours.

The freezer, in fact, will break that electrostatic bond of the fibers and remove lint quickly and easily!

How to wash them

Finally, let’s see how to wash them to avoid the formation of lint. Generally speaking, it would be better to always wash them by hand so as not to stress the fibers too much.

Furthermore, we suggest using a natural fabric softener such as vinegar and citric acid.

However, if you want to wash them in the washing machine, then it would be better to set a  delicate program.

And if you want to know how to make a DIY fabric softener at home , here’s a video designed for you!



These are cheap, at-home methods for removing lint from your scarves. We remind you, however, to always follow the production labels, so as not to ruin them.