Percarbonate is one of the ecological ingredients we use to avoid having to resort to chemical commercial ones.

In fact, since it boasts multiple properties , having it in the pantry is truly a godsend.

In this regard, today we will see together some things you should know about sodium percarbonate!

What is it

Sodium percarbonate is  a natural product of mineral origin, considered an adduct of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide.

It comes in the form of a white powder very similar to bicarbonate and releases active oxygen when it comes into contact with hot water, at a temperature of at least 40°.

Where to buy it

On the market, you can find sodium percarbonate under the heading ” Sodium Carbonate Peroxide ” and described as having a  whitening and bleaching function .

Although it is not always possible to find it in small supermarkets, you can buy it in some shops such as organic products, natural products, herbalist’s shops and so on.

Usually, you can find it on the shelves dedicated to cleaning or near bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide. Alternatively, you can also buy it directly online , where it will be very easy to find it.


Unlike bicarbonate, percarbonate boasts a  strong whitening action,  as when in contact with water at high temperatures it releases active oxygen. For this reason, it is the basic component of many  environmentally friendly whiteners .

In addition to this property, it also has a  strong stain-removing action and therefore can be used to remove any stains from clothes or surfaces.

Finally, I remind you that although it is considered a natural bleach, it can also be used on colored garments , as long as they can be washed at  temperatures above 40 degrees.

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Effects on health and the environment

Although very effective especially for whitening clothes , sodium percarbonate is an ecological product and, therefore, is not toxic or aggressive to human health. Its use, in fact, does not involve risks.

The same can also be said of its environmental impact which is very low compared to other products available on the market since percarbonate degrades into substances already present in nature.

Difference with bicarbonate

Initially, we said that percarbonate and bicarbonate are similar in consistency and that is why they are considered two “cousin” ingredients.

Beyond appearance, however, these two products are very different , as percarbonate is an effective natural whitener, while bicarbonate does not have a real whitening action, but can only remove stains thanks to its light abrasive action.

Use at home

Once we have seen the properties of percarbonate , let’s see together how to use it at home as a natural whitener.

First of all, you can use it to whiten yellowed laundry  or those with stubborn dirt stains by adding one or two scoops of percarbonate  directly  into the washing machine drum .

Since percarbonate is an additive, remember to use it together with detergent . At this point, start the wash and you’re done.

If you also want to use it to whiten your bathroom fixtures , you will instead have to add a measuring spoon of sodium percarbonate to a  bowl containing warm water and pour the resulting mixture into  a spray bottle. 

Then, spray it on the surfaces you want to clean, leave it on for a while and rinse.

In this regard, here is a video for you to see some tricks with percarbonate at home!


Where not to use it

Although percarbonate is harmless and delicate and can also be used on colored garments without the risk of bleaching them, in reality there are delicate fabrics on which it would be best to avoid it.

These include silk and linen . Furthermore, I suggest you avoid it on wool too as it has no softening properties .