When you cook rice, don’t throw away the water, use it around the house in this very clever way

When cooking rice, pasta and many other foods, most people have the habit of  throwing away the water while cooking ,  in reality you should never do it. The reason? Because thanks to its incredible properties, it can be used in several truly incredible ways.

In fact, many people don’t know that rice is not only useful for household cleaning, but also for  personal care, hair, etc. is ideal, by reusing rice water you also avoid unnecessary waste. However, it is very important to know that you should not add salt during cooking to fully enjoy its properties and benefits. Before using you must let it rest in the refrigerator for at least a day, it should never be used when it is still hot.

Do you know how  to use rice water  ? Some remedies are really crazy and you won’t be able to do without them after trying them, to know some really useful ones, read the following paragraphs.

That’s why you should never throw away rice water; you can use it for many useful purposes

Use rice water

Rice cooking water  contains antioxidants, B and E vitamins, minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium, folic acid and much more. It has really positive effects on hair, prepare a compress and use it to detangle hair, soothe irritated scalp,   add volume and shine to hair .

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It also acts as  a cleanser for facial cleansing , after treatment the skin will be much brighter. All you have to do is dip a cotton pad into the liquid and then rub it all over your face. This “waste” product also allows you  to wash dishes if they are not excessively dirty and crusty. The starch it contains attracts dirt and is also used to perfectly clean mirrors and glass.

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You can also take care of the plants with  rice water  , but it should never be salted as it causes serious damage. After it has completely cooled, use it to water plants and flowers. The nutrients it contains act like a natural  fertilizer , allowing you to avoid the use of chemical substances that can harm health and the environment.

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To fully benefit from its incredible properties and important nutrients, you can also  drink rice cooking water . To integrate minerals and vitamins into your diet, one glass a day is enough. In addition, it is also able  to regulate the intestines since it  is rich in fiber.