Say goodbye to yellow stains in the bathtub: you just need a natural ingredient to get rid of them

No more yellow stains in the bathtub: all you need to get rid of them is a natural, super cheap ingredient.

Yellow stains in the bathtub  are a problem that can happen to anyone. Wear and tear and cleaning products can cause the bathtub to turn yellow and look really ugly.

Cleaning the bathtub

Fortunately, there are several natural and inexpensive remedies to get rid of those unsightly yellow stains in the bathtub. It only takes a few  simple steps and just a few ingredients that you have at home to whiten the bathtub and make it as good as new.  Curious to know how to do it? I’ll run right away to explain everything to you, you’ll see that it will be really easy.

Thanks to this indispensable product, there will be no more annoying yellow stains in the bathtub

Sometimes you don’t need harsh and super expensive cleaning products to clean the surfaces in your home, in fact help can come from nature too.

Clean bathtub

In fact, there are several natural ingredients that you surely have at home to eliminate yellow stains in the bathtub. All you have to do is find out what great tricks they are.

  • Vinegar, dish soap and lemon juice:  These three ingredients together are a real miracle for removing stains from the ceramic of the bathtub. Then take a small bowl and pour the juice of two or three lemons into it, add 1 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of dish soap. Use the mixture in the tub and wait 15 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of warm water.

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  •  ingredients for a super brightening mixture:  Mix 100 g baking soda, 60 g liquid Marseille soap, 15 drops lemon essential oil and 15 drops tea tree essential oil in a bowl. Now mix well and then pour two tablespoons of this super mixture into a bottle using a spray dispenser and dilute with water. Shake well and spray the mixture into the tub, leave for 20 minutes and then scrub the surface well. Rinse with warm water.

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  • Baking soda and salt:  Together, these two ingredients have an exceptional whitening effect. Mix 4 tablespoons of coarse salt and one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix with a little water to form a thick, full-bodied cream. Pour the cream into the tub and leave for 8 hours, then rinse.


All you have to do is try these tricks and you will see that your bathtub will be as good as new, so bright white that you won’t believe your eyes.