Why are radiators installed under windows? You may have never thought about it

More and more radiators, designed to heat the home during the colder seasons, are being installed under windows. It was a time when radiator installation was done in a risky way, nowadays it seems that more and more craftsmen decide to mount these radiators under the windows. Let’s find out why.

There is a reason for that. We tell you why radiators are installed under windows.


Why are radiators installed under windows?

The apartments and interior architecture have evolved over time. However, when the craftsmen come to install the radiators, they place them in the same place: under the window. We don’t ask questions and let them do it, but why are they installed there?

One reason is that if the radiator was not placed under the window, the window glass would be extremely cold.

When the warm, humid air in the house meets the cold side of the glass, the vapors liquefy and condensation occurs. Condensation can damage walls. It can create mold, damage woodwork, and cause unpleasant odors in the house.

When the radiator is installed under the windows, a “curtain” of heat is created. This prevents water vapor from condensing on windows or other surfaces in the home.

“In fact, a radiator must be installed under each window. If there are two windows in the room, we will place two radiators at a maximum distance of 30-40 cm from the wall with the glass. Placing the radiator under the window is a wise choice from another point of view: it is a dead space and generally nothing else can be placed, such as furniture,” explains Thierry Chalençon, thermal insulation expert.

Radiator under the window

How to choose a good radiator: 5 criteria

The right power

The power of a radiator is expressed in watts. It depends on the volume to be heated, but also on the type of room and the ideal temperature desired by the user. In a well-insulated house, an average of 93 W/m3 is needed to heat a bathroom at 24 °C, 85 W/m3 for a living room at 22 °C, 77 W/m3 for a kitchen at 20 °C and 70 W/m3 for a room at 18°C. If the house is not well insulated, the power will have to be higher. In a room larger than 25 m2, it is better to install two or three smaller wattage radiators, rather than just one large one, to better distribute the heat.

With electric radiators it is estimated that 750 W are needed to heat a space of 5 to 9 m2, and more than 1500 W for a room of more than 20 m2. With a low temperature model (electric or gas), 70 W are needed per cubic meter of room volume. With central heating (oil or gas), there are 50 W per cubic meter.

The materials

Dense and heavy cast iron offers excellent thermal return and preserves air quality, but takes a long time to heat up. It is mainly used for central heating radiators. Cheap steel is used for basic convectors, as well as radiant and radiant models. Without inertia, it heats and cools quickly. Like the latter, aluminum heats up and cools quickly, but it is lighter and has better structural quality. Used for radiant or inertia radiators, it is often combined with other materials for more performance: glycol oil for a fluid inertia model, ceramic, soapstone or volcanic stone for dry inertia. Lava stone offers a very high heating value. It is the material that best accumulates heat, then restore it slowly and evenly. Additionally, lava heaters are the least bulky of the inertial models. Soapstone accumulates a lot of heat in a small area. Beware of reconstituted soapstone, based on a cement binder, which is much less efficient. As for ceramics, it is an excellent material for fluid inertia radiators. Restores heat evenly and gradually.

Electric heaters

Convectors, often nicknamed “toasters,” are the first generation of electric heaters. They remain inefficient and dry out the air. They rise in temperature quickly, but do not regain heat once extinguished. Its only advantage: the price. Radiant and radiant models produce infrared rays and provide comfort similar to the heat of the sun. Inertial radiators represent the new generation of heat emitters. They can be fluid inertia (contain glycol or mineral oil) or dry inertia (soapstone, ceramic, volcanic stone heating core, etc.). With the latter, it is the material itself that stores and releases heat. Soft heat radiators consist of a cast iron or aluminum radiating front panel heated by a first resistance and a stone or liquid heating core with a second resistance. The radiator does not exceed 70°C. The heat is very pleasant, homogeneous and the air does not dry out. Storage models are made of refractory material to store a lot of heat and release it for a long time (up to 8 hours of heating once turned off). Therefore, they can operate during off-peak hours and be turned off during peak hours, but they have the disadvantage of being bulky and heavy. Storage models are made of refractory material to store a lot of heat and release it for a long time (up to 8 hours of heating once turned off). Therefore, they can operate during off-peak hours and be turned off during peak hours, but they have the disadvantage of being bulky and heavy. Storage models are made of refractory material to store a lot of heat and release it for a long time (up to 8 hours of heating once turned off). Therefore, they can operate during off-peak hours and be turned off during peak hours, but they have the disadvantage of being bulky and heavy.

The shape

Nowadays there are all types of radiators. The shape is chosen according to the available space and also the desired design. If horizontal models are traditionally installed in bedrooms and living rooms, a beautiful tall radiator can also have the most beautiful effect. In the kitchen, where space is usually limited, it is advisable to give preference to compact and vertical models. In the bathroom, the electric towel rail remains the ideal solution. For attics or under a low window, there are “plinth” models, all long and low in height.

The technology

There are now connected or “smart” radiators, which can be controlled remotely from a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to this very fine temperature control and real-time monitoring of electricity consumption, bills are even lower. Some models can memorize the rhythm of life of the users, therefore, be programmed according to situations and even unforeseen events. Intelligently controlled radiators can save up to 45% energy. A smart thermostat can be installed on a non-connected radiator, equipped with presence detection, window opening and closing functions, with consumption indication, etc.