Why is the oven smoking? Here’s what it means and what to do if it happens

Does the oven smoke when you turn it on? The reasons can be linked to various causes. You can find all the details here.

There are many people who turn on the oven in the kitchen every day to prepare and serve different dishes. In this comfortable and practical device you can create anything, allowing you to “develop” your skills in the kitchen.

There are many types of ovens on the market with different performance characteristics . In fact, there are static and ventilated ovens that allow you to prepare food in different ways. The latest generation of ovens have both cooking modes.

When choosing an oven, the performance values ​​of the individual device to be purchased play a decisive role. The aspect of being able to select different temperatures depending on the food being cooked is very important. In fact, some products require higher temperatures when cooking, while others require a few degrees less.

The ability to set cooking times and various functions such as grill mode or preheating is also very important. A high-quality oven offers the user a variety of options for preparing different foods.

However, in this article we do not want to go into the qualities and specific characteristics of the different ovens on the market. Instead, we want to understand why ovens can produce unpleasant smoke at certain times when cooking . Let’s find out all the details about this issue and the solutions to curb this problem.

Is the oven smoking? Here’s what to do in these cases
When you notice smoke coming from the oven, the first thing that comes to mind is that there is an error in the cooking times and methods. In fact, anyone can make a mistake while cooking and burn food . In this case, you will notice smoke coming out of the device. We advise you to turn off the oven and open the windows of the house.

However, the problem of smoke during cooking is not always due to our mistake. In some cases, you may actually cook food correctly but still notice smoke. What could be the reasons?


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The inside of the oven is cleaned down to the smallest detail at more or less regular intervals – using the right products. In fact, food particles, dirt and grease can build up on the walls of the oven. This leftover food tends to burn when the oven is used later, leading to this problem of smoke leakage.

After cleaning, the oven should be dried as much as possible to remove any soap or detergent residue. In fact, even these elements, if not eliminated, can cause smoke emission problems during subsequent cooking .

Let’s find out what other reasons (and remedies) may be behind this problem with your kitchen oven . Here you will find everything you need to know.

How to solve the problem
It may seem strange, but even a newly purchased oven can produce smoke the first few times it is used . The presence of glue or similar elements could actually cause burns and emit unpleasant smoke from inside. We recommend that you leave the oven on for more than 60 minutes the first time you use it and open all windows in the house . You no longer have to worry about subsequent applications!

We have seen some completely solvable causes of smoke coming out of the oven. However, the causes of this problem could be even more serious and due to actual device malfunctions . There could be electrical problems or a faulty seal.

In such cases, the only possible solution is to immediately turn off the oven , open the windows, and unplug the electrical outlets. Only the intervention of a specialized technician can solve the problem and give new life to your kitchen oven. Never use the device until a solution to the problem has been found.