Yeast, vinegar and soap: just 3 “ingredients” and you will get rid of an annoying problem forever

Yeast, vinegar and soap: just 3 “ingredients” and you will get rid of an annoying problem forever  . In everyday life we ​​cannot do without housework, which is the only way to make our interiors as clean and pleasant as possible. However, there are still certain tasks that are both complex and tedious.

To make it easier, you just need to know the smart tips and apply them. We’ll show you how to solve a common problem with just three ingredients:  yeast, soap and vinegar.

Yeast, vinegar and soap: just 3 “ingredients” and you will get rid of an annoying problem forever

You probably don’t know it, but the combination of these three ingredients can make your life easier, especially when it comes to household chores.  By using these three ingredients, you can restore the youthfulness of the washing machine that you have observed has diminished in terms of washing performance  .

This is due to bacteria and germs that have settled in your washing machine  . Therefore, it is normal to have difficulty getting the bedding clean and well disinfected. So here is what you need to do to solve this problem.

The ingredients to bring together

Steps to Disinfect Washing Machine

  1. Pour the white vinegar into a cup
  2. Add a sachet of baking soda and 5 drops of liquid soap 
  3. Mix everything well with a spoon 
  4. Pour the resulting solution into the drum  of your  washing machine
  5. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub the inside
  6.  Once the house cleaning is complete , start the complete vacuum cleaning program and you’re done!