3 bay leaves to perfume the entire house

Fragrant and aromatic,   laurel   is a plant with a thousand uses.

Both in   cooking   and in   cosmetics   , its use has been attested for centuries:  Aleppo soap is famous   , a natural soap made from olive oil and bay leaf that dates back to 2500 BC.

Furthermore, the   laurel   was considered sacred by the ancient   Greeks   , a plant symbol of the god   Apollo   , but also of victory, fame and success.

Unsurprisingly, even today   laurel   wreaths are   used to crown graduates   just as   in ancient Greece they were used to crown the winners of the Delphi games.

But what does it mean to burn   bay leaves     at home?

A   simple procedure  , but rich in   benefits   for the environment and for the body. Let’s find out how   to burn bay leaf   and what these benefits are.

Warning:   Before burning  bay leaves   , take all precautions to avoid burning yourself. Also, keep   burning bay leaf  away from children, pets, and things that could   catch fire   .

Furthermore, the effects listed here do not represent cures for   medical conditions    : in this case, you should rely solely on medical advice.

how to burn laurel

Burning laurel   does not require special tools.  You just have to be VERY CAREFUL not to exceed the amount and not smoke too much. I recommend maximum attention and caution!

All you need is a     clay   container  or saucepan  ,   some   dried bay leaves     , a  lighter  or matches.

Once lit, put them in the container and walk around the room spreading the   smoke   they emit.

Keep in mind that   bay leaves   burn very quickly, so be quick.

Just to prevent the leaves from burning so quickly that they cannot spread the aroma well in the room, you can tie several    dried bay   leaves with a rope   or     cotton thread . However, do not exceed the amount, as the fumes may be too intense and therefore toxic.

To this type of laurel bouquet, if you wish, you can add rosemary   which   , in addition to providing a slightly sweeter note to the smell, enhances the effects of the laurel.

The advantages

Now let’s see what the benefits are if we burn bay leaves at home!

Note:   However, in case of   combustion   , it is advisable not to burn the leaves in your bedroom before going to bed, so as not to alter the quality of the air.

Reduces anxiety and stress.

Burning bay leaves at home reduces   anxiety   and   stress   .

In fact, when burned, bay leaves release   linalool   , an active ingredient with  relaxing   and   calming effects   .

Reduces mental fatigue

Coming back from a busy work week? Nothing better than starting the weekend by burning laurel   and   spreading its aroma throughout   the house   .

Bay leaf, in fact, contains   cineole   and elemicin, two substances that reduce the feeling of   exhaustion,  giving you   mental clarity and a greater state of alertness.

To enhance its effect, you can sprinkle a little aroma in the bathroom before a   hot bath or   shower  .

Helps you breathe better

Closed nose and throat due to a cold? Help can come from the laurel   .

Instead of burning the   bay leaf   ,   you can also soak it in a glass of water   overnight   . Then, place the liquid in a   parts atomizer  , which will diffuse the aroma while maintaining its   properties   .

Perfume the house

Burning   bay leaves     at home works better than an   air freshener   !

Bay   leaf   , in fact, has a slightly spicy but still   pleasant fragrance   . When burned, this   fragrance   spreads through the air, covering other odors and is very   long-lasting   .

Also in this case, it is necessary to distribute the smoke well in the   rooms   and avoid   intense flames  which, on the contrary, can exacerbate the     burning smell .