4 infallible tricks to make orchids bloom all year round

Orchid flowers are among the most beautiful and appreciated, due to the great variety of shapes and colors, each more elegant than the other. However, once they have flowered, they may take months to show their full beauty.


These plants are very delicate, and sometimes making them flower becomes a real challenge. Especially immediately after purchasing them, when we bring them home and helplessly watch their slow decline. Fortunately, there are tricks that can stimulate orchid flowering and make it last longer.

Orchids, depending on the type, bloom every 2-4 months. Under optimal conditions, most of these beautiful plants can flower twice a year.


Below we suggest 4 tricks that will help you make orchids bloom and make the flowers last as long as possible.

1. Eggshells

Very rich in potassium and calcium, eggshells are a real panacea for orchids. The ideal would be to collect around 20-25 shells.

Wash the shells well and let them dry, then grind them into powder. Cook them in water and after about 8 hours use the liquid to water the orchids once a week.

You can store the liquid in the fridge for about 2-3 months.

2. Rice water

Rice cooking water is one of the lesser-known secrets to having beautiful orchids, as it is rich in calcium, potassium and vitamin B, but only if it is free of salt, which could even damage your plants.

Save the cooking water from the potatoes or rice (strictly without salt) and use it to water the orchids every two weeks.

3. Milk

Excellent source of calcium and also very useful for our plants, especially orchids.

Mix milk and water in the proportions of 1/4 milk for every 3/4 water. Use the solution to water your orchids every 2 weeks.

4. Fallen oak leaves

If you live near an oak tree, you can take advantage of its fallen leaves to prepare a fertilizer for your orchids.

Collect the oak leaves from the ground and place them in a pot, pour 5 liters of water and turn off the stove once it reaches the boil.

Let it cool, put it in a clean container and leave it in the sun for a week. Use to water orchids every two weeks.

It is recommended to water orchids by immersion, that is, immersing the pot in water for 20 minutes, being careful not to wet the leaves. Let the jar drain before putting it back.

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