Clementine peel: add it to the garden and admire the results

Clementine peel is nothing more than the skin of this citrus fruit that is very popular in winter. Not only is it pleasantly sweet and juicy, but it also has many health benefits. Once you’ve eaten it, don’t make the mistake of throwing away the peels. You can also use them in the garden.

Clementine peel: add it to the garden and admire the results

Clementine peel is an excellent natural fertilizer for the garden. It contains many nutrients and trace elements essential for the healthy development of our dear green friends.

Among them, calcium and magnesium, important allies to strengthen the immunity of plants. Thanks to this, they do not fear attacks from pests or diseases.

Fertilizer with citrus peels

As we just mentioned, peels contain essential nutrients for plant health and well-being. The husk ensures wetter soil for good plant growth.

Furthermore, thanks to the organic matter they contain, the soil is well oxygenated. As a result, the roots grow vigorously, as do the plants.

Here is a list of the benefits of making compost with this peel:

Better distribution of the compost and good aeration of the bucket.
Doubly effective and richer compost for good plant nutrition;
Quality soil and healthy plants.