Clogged toilet, don’t call the plumber: a handful is enough | Solve the problem

Clogged toilet

Sometimes, it may happen that we have to deal with a problem that is bigger than us, the clogged toilet. The first thing that comes to mind is to urgently contact a plumber, among other things, to solve the situation quickly. Obviously this has a cost. 

Actually, the situation can also be resolved by doing it yourself. These are very simple maneuvers, which do not require who knows what  preparation or knowledge of the subject. 

The first thing to do is to make a good distinction between the causes that caused this result. If the waste cannot go down, it is necessary to understand if it is a clogged toilet or  a drain with little pressure.

What happens when the toilet is clogged?

Generally, when faced with a clogged toilet, we get angry or behave inappropriately, because it creates a situation that stresses and causes discomfort, especially if there are guests in the house. Instead, we must remain calm.

Sewage that does not drain due to a clogged drain is a big problem. The stench that spreads through the house  is not at all pleasant or welcoming. It may happen that although the water flows normally, the waste does not disappear, as well as that the water along with the waste remains blocked or flows slowly. In any case, if toilet paper or anything else gets clogged and can’t drain, even over time, a clogged toilet is probably the cause.

Clogged toilet, here’s what to do

Traffic jams are usually caused by excess toilet paper being flushed down the toilet with each use. The problem is one of the most common. But the really serious thing is that many times, in addition to remains of toilet paper,  there are also sanitary pads, diapers  or tampons left in the toilet, garbage that someone throws away on purpose or accidentally.

In these cases it is difficult to get out of it. We must understand first of all that the bathroom is not the garbage can. Your task is different. If you really need a container to  throw this type of trash  , we recommend purchasing a container and placing everything there, including toilet paper. The less you flush down the toilet, the better, because  over time the pipes also become clogged. 

Remedies that eliminate not too deep blockages

So since there are blockages and blockages, we can proceed by stating some of the suitable remedies that can be helpful depending on the severity of the situation. These solutions  only work if the clog is not deep  and if the cause is pieces of toilet paper or material that can slide, pull, or dissolve easily.

Typically, toilet paper clogs are resolved simply by gravity and proper water pressure. First, the stagnant water is removed and then a lot of boiling water is poured into the drain. If the water continues to drain slowly,  repeat the operation.

At this point, pour the dish detergent down the clogged toilet drain, which should sit for at least 30 minutes. Finally,  pour boiling water  in large quantities so that whatever is blocking the drain slides quickly. It is advisable to use dish detergent because  it has a highly degreasing action  and is therefore capable of dissolving many types of blockages.

Plunger and coarse salt, grandmother’s remedy

Alternatively, you can try to apply the plunger, what is recommended is that the suction cup is completely submerged in the liquid and that  the appropriate pressure is exerted  to create the vacuum effect capable of making the water rise inside the drain obstruction, thus unclogging the toilet clogged. effortless.

Another method uses a cup filled half with coarse salt and half with baking soda. Grandma’s classic remedy, which always works. Pour the contents inside the glass into the toilet and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Finally, also in this case, pour the boiling water  down the drain  and that’s it. If the problem is not solved even then it may be time to  call a professional  who in a few minutes, without wasting time, will solve everything, not definitively of course. To prevent the same situation from occurring again after less than a month, it is recommended to change the habits that are the main cause of the problem.