Don’t buy a broom or mop, you can do it at home for less than 3 euros: it removes all the dirt

Make your mop at home this way: a few euros and it will be ready to help you clean your house thoroughly.

For effective cleaning of the house, it is not necessary to buy a mop or broom. You can save by making them right at home and with your own hands. A maximum amount  corresponding to approximately 3 euros  will be enough for you to be able to make a practical and useful mop, to eliminate all the dirt present in the house. Here’s how to do it.

What to do to create a DIY mop and its usefulness

When you need a  special broom or mop  to thoroughly clean the interior of your home, do not go to stores to buy what you need for this purpose.

On the contrary, you have the possibility of being able  to save a lot  , by deciding to make yourself a valid fabric broom, by going to reuse what you already have at home.

Here you will discover a fantastic tip for creating a household accessory that will make  cleaning your home much easier.


You will be able to effectively clean the highest parts that are not easy to reach manually, the less accessible corners of the house and the area behind the furniture.

Thanks to this homemade mop, you can even use it to clean windows as well as glass and wooden doors. You will also need it to clean air conditioners and accessories such as  lamps.

In short, you will have the possibility of being able to use it in many points of your home, even in your kitchen. And this to make the rooms of the house perfectly clean thanks to this broom created with your own hands.

Procedure for making a broom: here are the different steps to follow

The procedure is certainly very easy to perform, so you will not face any difficulty during the entire operation.

This is a great way to recycle  towels  that are starting to deteriorate and can no longer be used in the bathroom.


In addition to this, other ways to reuse old things that you have at home correspond to the  recycling of old rags,  worn clothes that you no longer wear and the lower part of the broom, or that made up of bristles useful for sweep.

After having gathered all these elements, you can proceed to prepare  your DIY mop.

Place the part of the broom with the bristles on a folded towel so that you understand the measurements of the part of the towel that will need to be cut.

Then, you will need to fold the edges of the two widths carefully, so that you can close them with a needle and thread, while leaving the side openings free.

Then you will also have to sew the two heights, leaving only the upper part open, so that you can introduce the old piece of broom, that is, the  classic mop.

Using strips of fabric obtained from an old t-shirt or long elastic bands, one or the other solution can be inserted laterally inside the edges of the widths.

This is so that they can be tightened around the handle of the brush placed inside the towel. In fact, after having tied them securely around the handle, you can start using your  DIY broom.

As stated earlier, the same procedure can also be done using a piece obtained from a t-shirt, in place of the old towel. All you have to do is apply the strips of elastic of the right size, on both sides of the width, then sew the other two sides regarding the height.

By introducing the brush inside, you can start using it to clean different rooms in the house.

You will have fabulous results with your DIY mop,  without breaking the bank!

Directions for use: how to disinfect your mop?

At this point, it helps to know what to do to best sanitize your home, starting with the things that can make a difference. In order to achieve this goal, in fact, you must disinfect your mop in the best possible way.

This valuable ally is practical but it must be disinfected and this can be done using  natural ingredients,  including  baking soda and wine vinegar. Simply pour  half a glass into a bucket of warm water and let your mop soak for about two hours. Then rinse until the water runs clear.

Vinegar and baking soda to disinfect

Vinegar is also able to remove dirt from the mop while eliminating the bad smell from bacteria. Put lukewarm water and vinegar in proportion to the water in a basin: you must therefore add a cup of vinegar for each liter of water. Soak the mop for about 30 minutes, then wring it out to remove dirt.

What about  lemon  , in the same way that it is very useful for deep cleaning your mop, you will have to fill the basin with hot water and put the juice of a few lemons inside. Let the solution soak for about an hour, then rinse.


Even water and ammonia can be useful as can  tea tree oil  which has antibacterial properties and therefore serves to eliminate bad odors.

In short, not only is it important to make the mop at home and this way, but it is also important to know how to take care of it  using these ingredients.

This way the cleaning of your house is super assured and you will see that you will no longer be able to do without it and  neither will the rooms in your home.