Flour in the bathroom because it has to be done in the evening before going to bed.

Your toilet is full of tasks and limestone ? This is certainly not pleasant to look at, but don’t worry as there is an ingredient that you can use to solve the problem immediately. We are talking about flour, of the « Aliment » type, usually used to prepare desserts, pastries and much more and is understood to be white.

You probably have it in your pantry too, but in any case it is a widely available product and it is not expensive. What you need to use for the bathroom is precisely this type of flour, with its action you can get very clean and shiny toilets.

You can also use it for other purposes because it is a very versatile product. Let’s find out how to carry out the process to remove limescale from the toilet and remove stains and stains!

Flour is an excellent natural remedy.
Excellent natural remedy, flour is one of the most effective solutions to remove limescale and stains from the toilet, but not everyone knows about it. This ancient remedy works very well and does NOT damage medical equipment, which is delicate and must be handled with care.

Ideal for treating bathroom walls when they are very dirty and the stains do not even disappear with professional products. They work immediately and its effect is enhanced by another ingredient, citric acid .

Flour in the bathroom
Once you try this remedy, you will not be able to do without it and prefer it to others as it is the solution to your problem. Even in the case of limestone, it disappears immediately and when you brush your toothbrush you just have to remove the residue.

What do you need besides flour?
In order for the flour to demonstrate its effectiveness in removing limestone from the toilet and exercising its whitening effect, it needs other ingredients “ , also cheap and easy to find. Here is what you need:

150 grams of citric acid
Flour to taste
1 Liter Water
Flour in the bathroom
You don’t need anything else and as you can see, these are common ingredients that you probably already have at home. For example, L’citric acid is often used for household cleaning, especially for deep cleaning of ceramics. Mixed with flour and, a solution is created that works with absolute efficiency in the toilet.

How to prepare the solution
After taking all the necessary ingredients, we explain below how to prepare the mixture to clean and whiten the toilet. The next day you won’t believe what you see…

Dissolve the citric acid in the eau.
Mix gently
Pour the mixture into a vaporizer.
Set aside the steamer for the instant and pull the conditioner to moisten the walls. Sprinkle a handful of flour onto the damp toilet and gently stick it.

Now take the sprayer and evaporate the citric acid mixture on flour that you spread in the toilet and left there all night . The next day, rub the walls and floor of the toilet with a brush and you will see that they will be shiny and flawless.

Additional use of flour
Flour is an excellent ingredient to use also for other purposes, always linked to improving household chores. For example, it is ideal for removing oil stains that form on surfaces, such as steel , leaving them shiny and perfectly clean.

Flour in the bathroom
Simply sprinkle some flour on the affected areas and add some vinegar to the sponge to remove all the grease and grease. It is then enough to rinse generously with eau and Acier will be brilliant.

It is also ideal for shining the dull metals , just prepare a paste with eau, rub it and rinse for excellent results.