Grandma’s remedy for always clean and fragrant laundry | This gesture alone is enough

To always have clean and fragrant laundry, we can take advantage of an ancient method that was used decades ago: a single gesture is enough.

Lemon, washing clothes

There are many products for washing and cleaning  clothes on the market, the natural ones are obviously the best. There is a particularly useful product for this purpose that was used by our grandmothers many years ago. What is it about? From  a simple lemon  , excellent not only for refining dishes or protecting the skin.

Lemon is also   a great ingredient  for washing . Not surprisingly, it  is often used in the home due to its degreasing and cleaning properties. We now often find him doing various tasks around the house. Well, this citrus fruit is also functional in the washing machine. How to use it?

How to wash and perfume laundry in the washing machine with a simple citrus fruit

Brightening lemon perfume wash


The properties of lemon make  the laundry soft  , fragrant and white, as if it had just come out of the laundry. A natural product rich in vitamins, excellent for cleaning all types of surfaces. We can also do without the usual aggressive cleaning agents in the washing machine and just use a lemon. But how?

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All we have to do is take a lemon and divide it in half. Rub the stained and yellowed fabrics with half a lemon   and then let them dry. After drying, the cloths can be put in the washing machine. However, if we want to lighten them quickly, we just have to squeeze a lemon  in hot water  and then immerse the garment.

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Allow the garment  to soak for at least half an hour  and then wash it normally. And again, many people use lemon juice directly  in the washing machine drum  . This is also a valid solution for whitening and perfuming at the same time, reducing time.

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But that’s not all, because if we mix lemon juice with a drop of vinegar and a little bicarbonate we get a  cleaning mixture  that we can use throughout the house. In short, lemon represents an incredible alternative to traditional detergents, both when washing clothes and various household chores.