How to bleach laundry and get rid of old yellow stains

White clothes look great, but they have one flaw: they tend to yellow over time. These annoying stains are mostly caused by our sweat, and as time passes they become increasingly difficult to remove.

Fortunately, it is not necessary to resort to bleach or other chemicals to get rid of these kinds of satains. Below we list some DIY tricks that are equally effective against yellow stains on white laundry.

Baking soda
Most useful in household cleaning, baking soda has the ability to remove stains without damaging the garments in any way, as happens with most industrial products.

Apply baking soda directly to stains to remove them and brighten the garment. Baking soda also works on grease stains.

This is another versatile and useful product in household cleaning. It can also be used to bleach laundry and remove yellow stains.

Fill a bucket with water and add 250 ml of white vinegar. Soak the white garment in the solution and leave it for about an hour.

Once the predetermined time has passed, wash the garment normally-it will be as good as new again.

Exposure to the sun
There is no doubt about it: the sun plays a very important function in bleaching white garments.

You may not have known it, but sun exposure is very effective in returning white laundry to its original appearance. Apply a neutral detergent to the laundry and leave it exposed to the sun for an hour or so, then wash normally.

Be very careful not to abuse this method. Although the sun is effective in brightening white clothes, it can also damage them if over-exposed.

Other tips for avoiding yellow stains
Do not wash white garments with colored ones. Always wash clothes inside out to prevent stains from appearing.
Avoid using bleach, as it wears out clothes and can be counterproductive.
To bleach laundry, add the juice of two lemons and a pinch of salt to liquid detergent.
Now that you know how to bleach laundry and get rid of yellow stains without resorting to industrial products, apply one of the tricks described above right away to get your favorite clothes back to their original color.