How to eat avocado to reduce the glycemic index? This is grandma’s advice

How can you eat avocados to lower the glycemic index?

Avocados are best eaten raw. If you cook it, it becomes bitter and the heat of the oven and stove deteriorates all those precious fatty acids. To get the flesh of the avocado, cut it in half lengthwise. Since the bone is very hard, simply twist the two halves in opposite directions until they separate. Next, remove the stone and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. You can also cut the pulp into quarters. There are many ways to use avocados in cooking.

What foods lower the glycemic index?

Many of us are unaware of grandma’s tricks to lower the glycemic index at the table. One of these tips refers to pasta. Not everyone knows that the glycemic index of pasta tends to increase with cooking time. That’s why it’s best to drain pasta when it’s al dente.

The shape of the pasta also influences the glycemic index. Shorter pasta shapes, such as penne and fusilli, for example, have a higher glycemic index than spaghetti. This is probably because the special way in which long pasta is processed favors the crystallization of starch. The result is a longer digestion time and, consequently, a longer assimilation time.

What foods raise the glycemic index?

Popcorn is one of the foods to avoid because it raises the glycemic index. On average, popcorn contains 375 calories per 100g and about 74g of carbohydrates. This means that popcorn is not recommended for diabetics. They should only be consumed occasionally in moderate quantities.

You can consume it at times other than main meals, and only as directed by your doctor. If in doubt, diabetic patients can, also under medical supervision, monitor their glycemic index when eating certain foods, writing down the values ​​in a notebook to compare blood sugar levels.

What are the benefits of avocado?

Avocado contains minerals, vitamins and other antioxidants. It provides many substances that improve health. In particular, it contains carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene. It also contains tocopherol (vitamin E), a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant.

Avocados are a good source of beta-sitosterol, a substance that helps reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels. Avocados are also rich in calcium and magnesium, which preserve bones and are necessary for muscles, heart and brain. Among its vitamins, avocado offers those of group B, which are satiating. Avocados also contain choline, which is good for memory.

How do you preserve avocados?

It is good to know that, once exposed to air, the flesh of the avocado tends to blacken. When this happens, it loses its beautiful color. To preserve it, sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice. However, if the avocado is unopened, it can be kept out of the refrigerator for a week after purchase. When choosing the right avocado, the first thing to take into account is its color. If it is green, it should be neither too soft nor too hard to the touch. Choose it with a skin that clings to the pulp but is not yet hard.