How to prepare a DIY “anti-fungal” to remove mold from the bathroom

The bathroom is the area of ​​the home most susceptible to the  formation and accumulation of mold  . Black mold in the bathroom in particular   seems to be even more difficult to remove and sticks to walls, tiles, silicone and many other surfaces.

Mold is nothing more than a  group of fungi (or microscopic organisms)  that tend to develop and multiply in humid and warm environments such as the bathroom. Poor  ventilation in the bathroom  and inadequate cleaning can  promote the formation of mold  .

In this article we suggest  how to make a completely natural “anti-fungal” cleaner  to avoid having to resort to bleach, ammonia or other industrial products full of chemicals.


  • 250 ml white vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 250 ml hot water
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil

Pour vinegar and water into a spray diffuser bottle. After a few seconds, add the lemon juice and shake well. Finally, gradually add the baking soda to curb the foaming reaction.

Once you have mixed the ingredients in the bottle well, close it and spray it directly onto the mold-affected surfaces. Leave on for 15 minutes.

To increase effectiveness, sprinkle some baking soda on surfaces.

After 15 minutes, scrub with a toothbrush and rinse with warm water. The  mold should disappear completely  , if not,  you can repeat the application of the DIY anti-fungal cleaner  .