It turns out that not everyone knows why you need 3 compartments in your washing machine

Everyone probably knows the powder cuvette, but not everyone knows why it is divided into three compartments.

The outermost compartments are marked with Roman numerals or sometimes the letters A and B, and in the middle in compartment C there is an additional cartridge.

It also happens that this partition is not in the middle, but on the right side.

What are the individual subjects used for?

The compartment with the Roman numeral A is intended for pre-washing. During prewashing, the laundry is washed in water with powder, then the water is drained and the main wash is carried out.

Some washing machines have the option of soaking and then the detergent is also removed from compartment A. These programs are used to wash heavily soiled laundry.

Compartment B is for the main detergent. The washing machine removes powder from this compartment for all other programs except prewash and soaking.

The fabric softener is poured into compartment C and the washing machine takes the detergent there for the final rinse cycle.

There is nothing complicated in this system, the division into compartments allows the washing machine to accommodate the detergent according to the washing program and the funds do not mix with each other.


It turns out that not everyone knows about this. Washing machine manufacturers conducted a survey about using the right compartments for the right detergents and programs and the results were surprising. Up to 27% of washing machine users didn’t know what the fabric softener compartment was for! And up to 18% made no difference between chambers A and B and used chamber B for the main/correction wash cycle. The manufacturers were able to predict this and in most washing machine models, the washing machine removes detergent from each of these compartments during the main wash cycle.

Differences in washing modes

There are many washing modes. Very often manufacturers create them to create the illusion of many different functions that the device performs.

However, there are only a few modes that really differ from each other. And the differences are:

•  Water heating temperature  (usually 30 to 90 degrees)

Depending on the type of fabric, we read this information from the clothing label.

•  the number of revolutions of the drum

For example, high speeds are used when spinning and drying in the washing machine. Basically, the maximum speed of the machine is 1000 rpm. Means for standard laundry. When washing delicate textiles, the drum rotation should be the slowest.

•  the length of the  washing time (depending on the degree of soiling – if we have heavily soiled clothes, pre-wash them thoroughly, let the dirty water drain and only then take clean water in which the washing machine will deal with the rest of the dirt at a higher temperature)

•  the number of rinse cycles  (depending on the load size).