Mother-in-law’s tongue, place it here: the ideal place for it to flourish and last a long time

Mother-in-law’s tongue, also better known as Sanseveria, is an easy plant to grow but requires some precautions, such as its location. 

Mother-in-law's tongue

Very present in Italian homes and considered very trendy, the mother-in-law’s tongue must be placed according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Sanseveria, characteristics of the plant

The term mother-in-law’s tongue can be considered incorrectly. In fact, when referring to mother-in-law language, some might immediately think of cookies. In fact, the term can also be used to refer to Sanseveria, a plant that is coming back into fashion in Italian homes.

After all, the leaves that make up  Sanseveria  look like long yellow tongues, dotted with lighter green or yellow stripes. Sanseveria is the scientific name while lingua di stepmother is the one used in common jargon.

The success of Sanseveria is due to its ease of cultivation and not just its beauty and decorativeness. In addition, it also has qualities that should not be underestimated: it purifies the air, introduces oxygen and purifies the environment. Not only carbon dioxide, mother-in-law’s tongue can  also absorb toxins present in the air in our homes.

When it comes to ease of growing, mother-in-law’s tongue doesn’t need as much water. In fact, it is a plant that needs to be watered once every fortnight. Too much water, in fact, could cause dangerous rot.

Where to Place Mother-in-law’s Tongue Plant

Even if it is easy to cultivate, Sanseveria, to proliferate at best, must be positioned in a specific location, according to the rules of Feng Shui. The latter is a discipline which has its roots in Taoist geomantics applied to architecture. Its pillars are rules regarding home furnishing according to which an object should be placed in one place rather than another.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, therefore, even the mother-in-law’s tongue must be placed in an ad hoc place. Considered a magical plant,  it must be placed in an environment conducive to it  . This environment, in the house, is not represented by the dining room or the living room. The motivation is simple: these two rooms are the ones where there is the most wood, a natural element.

It would be  wrong to put it in the bathroom  because it is an environment for this type of plant, too humid and it could quickly get sick. In addition, being a very powerful and protective plant, it should not be placed in the studio or workplace. Due to its power, in fact,  it could block creativity  and its flow.

Mother-in-law's language culture

According to the Eastern discipline of Feng Shui, the perfect place for mother-in-law’s tongue would be  the entrance  , the place where the ambiance entering it is enhanced. In fact, the plant might be able to attract money and cleanse negative energies from people who enter our home. It’s worth a try.