Only 10 minutes to iron all your clothes: discover the washing technique

Ironing has never been a pleasant household chore, like vacuuming the floor, for example. It requires precision, consistency and patience. That is why it is always worth finding out about the different techniques that can make ironing as easy as possible. On this occasion, discover the washing method that can leave your clothes wrinkle-free in just 10 minutes, with minimal effort.

Only 10 minutes to iron all your clothes: discover the washing technique

Here are some basic rules that you must follow to the letter if you want to succeed with this technique:

Newer irons offer automatic temperature control. For nylon, acetate, elastane and acrylic it is 100°C, for polyester, silk and wool it is 115°C and for linen and cotton it is 200°C.
Iron the clothes when they are still between dry and damp. The ideal is to opt for a steam iron, but a simple sprayer will suffice. This is the secret to getting wrinkle-free clothes quickly.
Turn dark-colored fabrics inside out so as not to alter the brightness level.

How do I iron in 10 minutes?

If the dress has cuffs, iron inside out. Double cuffs should be flattened.
If the dress has a collar, you should also proceed in the same way as for the cuffs. Iron the ends from the bottom up.
For the sleeves, iron from shoulder to cuff, trying to reduce wrinkles as much as possible.
Finally, finish with the front part, which doesn’t need too much work.