Smart recycling: create this with a mason jar, varnish and thread

Smart recycling is an area that attracts more and more people. It offers a multitude of economic, ecological and personal development advantages. Discover what you can do with these three objects.

Smart recycling: create this with a mason jar, varnish and thread

Let’s cut corners and discover what your hands can do with these three objects:

Take a glass jar without a lid and some masking tape;
Cover the mouthpiece and base;
In a bowl, pour water and two nail polishes of the color you prefer;
Use a brush to draw the shape you want from the color spots in the water;
Once the design is created, gently lower the glass vase into the basin;
The vase will collect all the colors of the water;
Cut the ribbon that covered the vase and collect the dyed thread;
Use a hot glue gun to adhere the thread to the bottom;
You already have a colored cord covering the background;
Do the same for the opposite side;
Pass the thread around the edges as well;
Create a thick cord to make a handle to attach to the edges;
You already have a DIY chandelier or lamp in which you are going to attach LED cables.
What can we learn from this?

Recycling is a great way to save money, but it’s also good for the planet. If you have some objects lying around, or even old things, you can always use them to make new things.

With a good dose of creativity and the motivation that accompanies passion, you can do something unexpected.