You  tried the Rite of St. Peter’s Boat, but the next day you did  n’t find the coveted famous sailing ship.

Unfortunately, it can often happen due to  some mistakes  made during this ritual.

For this reason, today we will  see together all the mistakes that you should not make if you want to try the boat of San Pietro!

What will you discover?

Selection of glass containers

To try this tradition, it is first important  to choose the right container, as  it requires a transparent glass container large enough to  hold enough water  and to have the necessary space to  recreate the “boat with sails”.

In fact, glasses should be avoided. However, if you don’t have carafes or vases, you can also  use red wine glasses  , as long as they are always large.

temperature and amount of water

Another important element concerns the  temperature of the water, which  must be at room temperature  . In fact, water that is too hot or too cold could cause the solution to fail and  prevent boat formation in the carafe.

Also remember to  fill the container with about 2/3 of the water  and do not add too little water,  otherwise the boat may not form.


As  easy as it may seem to separate the egg whites from the yolks  , it’s not always that easy. In fact, when the egg white slips off , a few drops of yolk can often   slip off as well. This  is one of the reasons why the boat of Saint Peter is not formed.

In fact, it is important to remember that  only egg whites must be used  for the ritual to be successful. In addition, we recommend that you  gently push the egg whites  so that they can slide into the bottom of the jug on their own. If you pour it heavily,  you may even have to start over again  . Therefore, remember  to accompany the egg whites carefully!  

Finally, it would be better   to use  the protein of a fresh egg , as farmers used to do, breaking an egg laid directly by the laying hens in the chicken coop.

Day and time

Although the sailing of San Pietro  can take place a few days earlier, according to tradition it takes place on the night  of June 28th to 29th  , exactly at the same time as the  festival of San Pietro and Paolo.  So if you really want to respect this ritual, you have to try it this evening  .

However, when it comes to timing, remember  to add the water and egg whites to the carafe on the evening of June 28th, or when  the sun  has set and night falls. In fact,  the presence of the sun could ruin your boat.

We also recommend  that you  check the carafe the next day at dawn or in any case before direct sunlight. In any case, you can admire the boat in the carafe  until around midday  , after which the scenographic effect disappears.

Absence of dew

Finally, remember that it is important  to place the pot outdoors.  It doesn’t matter whether you put it on the balcony, in the garden or on the terrace, as long as the carafe  is exposed to the dew  so that it can “collect” it.

However, we recommend  not to cover the container, since the purpose is precisely  to catch the dew  , which is considered the main ingredient of this ritual. Of course, you can  also place the container  on the windowsill if it is more exposed. And at this point  we want to see together how it works!

How do you

Once we have seen the mistakes that should not be made, let’s think together  how to proceed in the construction of the boat of San Pietro  .  Then take a  large transparent glass container and  pour the water into it. Make sure at least 2/3 of the container is covered. Now carefully slide the egg yolk into the water and  wait until it reaches the bottom of the carafe.

Finally, take  your carafe into the garden  , onto the balcony or onto the terrace and leave it outside overnight   so that   it can absorb the dew. The next day, you see a  boat or sailing ship  with filaments that  might resemble sails  .

It was originally believed that the boat  was created by the breath of Saint Peter at night. However, as far as  interpretation is concerned,  it is believed that open sails are a sign of good news, while  closed sails indicate misfortune  and the arrival of unpleasant events.