Toilet: how to remove limescale stains

Brush in the toilet

How to remove limescale stains from the toilet

Especially if you live in areas with hard water, limescale stains in toilets are a common problem. These deposits can be difficult to remove, so you are tempted to buy the latest product the companies put on the shelves.

Our opinion? Better to let it go. Even if companies tend to overlook it, the ingredients used in the laboratory are chemical. In addition to being harmful to human health, they also have negative effects on the environment, which is already not doing well. The phenomenon of climate change affects us all closely, therefore we have the duty to adopt more virtuous behaviour.

Instead of filling your cart, try evaluating ecological remedies, which you probably already have in your pantry. In addition to making significant savings, you will obtain the desired results without causing damage to you or the planet.

First, dry the toilet bowl with a rag and, without diluting it, pour in some white vinegar . Due to its acidic nature, vinegar is a fantastic natural descaler. The ideal would be to apply it before going to sleep, so as to have a splendid awakening. Scrub the surfaces with a toilet brush or brush and rinse with hot water: the step should also be applied in the case of the other methods indicated.

WC and bidet

Alternatively, formulate a mixture consisting of 300 ml of white vinegar and 50 grams of powdered borax , to be diluted in a liter of hot water. Pour the solution directly into the cup and wait about half an hour.


In a liter of hot water you can or mix 150 grams of citric acid . In this case, leave it to act for a couple of hours to fully soften the limescale stains . All you need is one with sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide , to be combined in the quantity of 200 g and 50 ml, which is also a valid option.