Over time, we often notice cracks on the walls of our homes . Cracks and crevices are super easy to repair, but it’s important to find the cause first.
To figure out if you can repair it yourself, it’s important to know the difference between a break, a crack, and a crack .
Cracks are openings that are deeper than cracks . With a size of around 1 to 3 centimeters, they can be considered safe if no rainwater, wind or external light penetrates them. The problem is that they are too close to the support pillars. In this case, it is important to call a professional.
The cracks can be more than 3 centimeters deep. As in the case of cracks, they cannot be repaired on our own because we may be hiding a more serious problem that requires professional attention.
If the crack is small and not due to a structural problem, you can repair it using the following method.
You need:
rubber gloves
Protective mask
plastic wrap
smooth spatula (can be plastic or metal)
Wall putty
The process is simple but must be carried out with the utmost care:
Place the plastic wrap on the floor to avoid contamination and hours of cleaning.
Wear gloves and a protective mask.
Use the spatula to remove any small pieces in the crack.
Then use the brush to remove all dust and residue. This process allows the stucco to adhere better.
It is important that the entire work area is dry.
Apply the wall filler to the crack gradually, being careful not to stain the rest of the wall.
Allow the filler to dry for 24-48 hours and then smooth the area with sandpaper.
Finally, you can paint the wall with the same color or choose a different one.
As you’ve seen, repairing a crack is a delicate task, but one that virtually anyone can d